Contempt Case was finally heard........BM finally suffered some type of consequence.
Haven't posted in a while and had decided to leave but I am back now. We finally went to court for the contempt case DH filed against BM back in March of 2010. (You can read back over the blogs to see how deranged and crazy BM really is.) Here is an update on the latest.....
March we had another continuance since BM was stating she took 8 visits for dance practices and competitions. She had the dance coach to come as a witness but received a continuance to give her time to show up. Whatever. However the judge told her that under no circumstance should DH and SD miss another visit.
Well the very next visit - BM did not show up. She then tried to lie and say that DH told SD she did not have to come. Instead of her confirming what she claimed she heard - She didn't. Then the next morning she tried to get SD to DH but it was too late. DH made her face the consequences for her actions.
SO after going to court last week....... BM's attorney finally saw all of the information DH has been keeping on BM - text messages, emails, receipts from driving when she didn't show..... and found out not one of the lies BM gave was in reference to dance at all.
BM ended up pleading guilty to willful contempt rather than have DH get on the stand and talk through all the evidence. BM was very upset and crying - however I think she was just mad that she had to plead guilty.... Not that she was sorry for actually doing anything she has done.
At any rate, the jail gave her a 30 jail sentence over her head in case she does anything else against the court order. But there was no purge time. Meaning she has to follow the court order until SD is 18 or do 30 days in jail if she is in violation of the court order again. DH does not have to file another motion or do another court case. All his lawyer has to do is take a Warrant for her arrest to the judge and if warranted she will be arrested for 30 days. Period.
It is such a relief. Now DH should be able to finally be at peace with his daughter finally. BM still owes DH some things according to the court order and he has given her a timeframe to get it to him or he will be letting his lawyer know. Hopefully now she will just bring SD to the court order meeting points on 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends, allow him his summer visits, share the medical information and school information and involve him on other matters since they have joint custody.
Of course BM already filed another child support case with division of child support enforcement as retaliation for being found guilty. So lawyer is going to do that case for free. Taking the paper work for the willful contempt and telling the judge it was in retaliation. Hopefully, this other judge will stop her from coming back for the three years like the last court order states.
I am just hoping BM wakes up and just does what is right. It would be a shame for her to let her anger cause her 30 days in jail, lose her teaching job, and home all because she is upset with DH for not marrying her 9 years ago. Let it go already - get counseling if you need it. Maybe now she will realize just doing right is so much easier than doing what is wrong and being an a..hole just for the sake of it. The court order spells it all out..... JUST FOLLOW IT!
BM will have some anger again shortly when she finds out that DH and I just purchased different vehicles..... His was wrecked and mine broke down, same freaking week..... AND now we also just found out we are pregnant with the baby due in Dec just after Christmas. It is a almost a good thing the 30 days jail time is over her head. It will be less stress on DH, SD and me to know that impending jail time if she acts out may just keep her at least acting civil. Yet it remains to be seen.....
- imagr8tma's blog
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I am happy for you. It's
I am happy for you. It's good to hear these victory stories, really gives me hope
Congrats! At least the right
Congrats! At least the right people win in court sometimes. We are heading to court in a few days for the BM being in contempt of court. (More than once. This was just the last straw) so its good to know that judges listen to the dad once in a while. I'm so happy for your family but just watch your back just in case. Keep track of everything. You never know what could happen. BM could really go off the deep end.
I've been following your
I've been following your story for quite a while now and I'm soooo glad that things finally worked out in your dh's favor! I almost hope she does screw up and have to go to jail... haha but congrats on your pregnancy!!
Congratulations on your
Congratulations on your victory and your pregnancy.
I wish we could get the same for DH´s ex, but in Norway it doesn´t work like that unfortunately.
But still, I cheer with you and hope that you will get some peace and quiet.
Yeah for you guys!!!! That