Court Next Week....... LONG Recollection & Vent
Well, Well, Well...... We have the big court battle next week on 9 Sept. BM has filed an affidavit, and motion claiming DH, Me and his family abuse SD (physical and mental abuse), claims we leave her in places unknown with unknown people, DH and I tried to kill her in her sleep, we cause her to have nightmares, Our home is unstable, SD hides her clothing to keep from coming, we constantly lie to SD, and that she is owed more child support, DH scares her when picking up child ...etc. She is attempting to take away joint custody and visitation and get more child support. (All of this was filed in January and March of 2009 - and she and her lawyer kept continuing the case until now.........)
Plus for the child support part of her motion (she claims she had not been to court since 2004 for an increase - which was a lie - DH has submitted the motions/transcripts to his lawyer - they went in 2005, 2006, 2 times in 2007, 3 times in 2008 - with division of child support enforcement - all were dismissed because it was not justified for an increase. In 2008 - she filed after I sold my house and me and DH bought a home together (after getting married) it was found that since he moved from DC to VA and took a pay cut - she was due to receive less money (221 less) we decided since she was putting SD in private school to keep it the same (we talked it over before court) and DH told judge to leave it the same to benefit SD. BM got angry there was no increase (she wanted it to go from 800 to 1195) and tried to file him in contempt stating he was not paying her insurance - which he was not court ordered to do. Judge told DH to look into it and if we could cover her to do so -since we had a family plan. Well insurance for government civilians is not dual-stated. Meaning we could not cover her in NC because we have a VA policy - and the judge ruled for the mom to keep her on her state coverage - she is a teacher. Her plan is a little better than ours vision and dental wise and much, much, much cheaper.
So DH filed a counter motion in April - using the counselor notes (her lawyer sent her and SD to) and want to have custody switched due to PAS, and BM not being able to foster a positive relationship between father and his family with SD. AND now we are finally going to court in September.... Geez Louise. You would think since she believed we were so horrible - she would have had this go to court asap, instead of asking for 3 continuances.
For a little background, DH has been dealing with a vicious vindictive BM every since the judge awarded them joint custody in 2004. She has left a paper trail of her trying to block or take away everything the court has given DH... (Mind you - DH has always picked his daughter up for visitation - He always pays his child support on time and gives extra monies when requested - He has also requested more time with SD and we drive 4 hours to attend all of SD's events, school orientations, recitals, games, graduations, programs, doctor appt's when told, etc.......)
***She has written/signed letters at the daycare blocking him from visiting/picking up SD and his family from visiting/picking up SD from daycare (although court order gave him the right to - he had that straightened out) The daycare gave him a copy of the letters she signed! She also left him and his mother outside of the daycare for hours on 2 occasions claiming she didn't remember it was his weekend. But the court order states 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends - plus SD's bag was packed inside the daycare waiting.
***She then filed a protective order alleging DH tried to kill her and baby the day before court - this blocked his Christmas visit (10 days ordered in the joint custody order)They went to court and is was dropped because he has his mother with him and at the time she claimed he was at her house his hotel receipt showed he was signing in - and so did the video surveillance. (He has the copy of the order filed with her signing the form - and the dismissal/court transcript)
***She would not answer the telephone for over 8 months and corresponding by letter (which she initialed and signed each paragraph) giving him information about medications that were incorrect and telling him not to bath her in his care. He then got the correct information (in a letter) from her doctor. She had told him to over dose SD on all of the meds.
***She filed a case with Social Services stating she was not receiving child support. So she received rent assistance, food stamps, welfare, day care assistance and health insurance for almost 6 months. Until it was time to re-certify. DH received a letter and had to disclose he was paying her rent, day care costs and child support. Plus DH found out she was working full time as a teacher's assistant and had just become a full fledged teacher making 3 times what she told him. She had to pay all the money back to the state. He has copies of those forms as well... she gave them to him and tried to tell him it was his fault and he should help her pay it back,,,, NOT!
***She changed the child's daycare 3 times after telling the court that any change to SD's routine would be detrimental cause DH wanted to pick her up there and wanted more time in the summer and presented the same daycare company in MD where he was living. Then she changed her 5 days later to a cheaper non-accred daycare - and then again 5 months later. Contradicting what she told the judge, He has the letters from all three daycares on the timeframes and where she removed him each time as authorized to pick SD up (against the court order).
***She sent DH emails about all of these medications SD was on for allergies telling DH SD could die while visiting us in VA since we were not aware and didn't know what to do. So we drove to NC (4.5 hours) to get the information (she would not provide) and to become aware on what to do..... Come to find out she was lying (it was not as bad as she alleged) and we received a letter from the doctor that contradicts her emails to DH. She also tried to prevent his summer visit 2008 with that information.... of course it did not work. AND she did not send all of the meds she claimed were necessary - and when he emailed and asked her - she said it was because he did not pay for them.... We have that email as well.
***She has been in contempt of the visitation order since Nov 2008 - they are supposed to meet 1.5 hours each way (it is about 2 hours for us but whatever) during exchanges on Fri and Sun at a particular exit on I-95. She has changed the meeting location 5 times and has shown up hours late over 4 times. She emailed and blamed this on her lawyer each time and sent text messages (that we have kept) we also took pictures of the exit and her car. She still refuses to drive to the correct exit - she always drive 5 - 7 miles short.... and will use anything reason to just make us wait hours for her to show up. And every time she makes us drive all the way to NC for pickups we video it - just for court.... So she can not lie. We make sure she and SD walking out of her apartment are on the tape with the date and time showing.
***She attempted to block this year's summer visit by claiming dance camp and cheerleading would take precedence. So we called the coaches and got written documentation that the cheerleading was not happening at all and dance would not occur until August. When his visits were June 2.5 weeks and July 2.5 weeks - we sent that to her and she still tried to lie - until we threatened court action.
***The final straw - Her lawyer and BM decided to take SD to an abuse/trauma counselor (the best in NC according to the lawyer/BM) to help her deal with the abuse they claim DH, myself and his family commit. She (BM) kept claiming that all of this abuse started right after she met me and found out we got married. She attempted to block visits in December by filing the affidavit (for an emergency hearing) about the abuse... but it did not happen. When we got a copy of the affidavit we decided to attend the next counseling appt. Jan 9 - When we got there - BM showed up late and was surprised we were there - and very angry. However the counselor told us - that BM had told her some disturbing things and that we should attend to attempt to get to the bottom of some type of treatment plan.
So Counselor unknown to us - was watching and documenting our interaction with SD - which was positive as usual. AND then came and took DH upstairs to discuss things with him (I opted to sit out - since BM was angered). BUT while counselor had DH upstairs - BM drug SD into the bathroom and stayed in there a while. She then bought SD out crying and looking sad - and asked the receptionist for tissue. She must have not realized I was watching her or could see what she was doing! Anyways - when the counselor came down to get her and SD to have the session with DH - She back out and had SD start crying again - saying her dad would spank her because she said some bad things about him and me. BM also expressed fear of retribution on DH's part if she had to sit in that session. So the counselor - told them to come another day.
Meanwhile she asked me to come upstairs with DH for support and discussion - so when I walked past SD I told her that I would see her later and to have a great day - to which SD smiled and replied see you later imagr8tma in front of me and the counselor. The counselor said that was odd - seeing how afraid of you BM said SD is. Counselor was surprised that SD smiled said that and waved to me.
Well when we got upstairs - we found out the real deal. BM told counselor DH was mean to SD, I hit SD and the family (his sister tried to burn SD with an iron) and his mother had moth balls around SD to attempt to give her asthma attacks.... .etc other stuff. A red flag was thrown because while SD and BM attended the family therapy sessions she (SD) would tell the counselor that her mommy told her to say I was mean or other people had done things. But in the individual session SD would say how she enjoyed being in VA and the things we all did with her. . And that she felt we all loved her... etc AND that her mommy and grandma told her to say those things.
At that time the counselor gave us a copy of all of her notes and the intake forms and told us she would be forwarding everything else to us - and to get a lawyer asap. (Which we did)..... However at the last session the notes states BM told counselor - BM did this to keep from having to drive to VA to take SD for visits. The last session shows her motive and states that a Guardian Ad Litem should be involved because the counselor believes the actual situation to be 180 degrees different then what BM is telling it to be. (BM is so twisted in the mind - she lives in NC - and even with her and DH driving 1.5 hours each - the meeting location is still in NC - we live in VA) She does not come to VA for anything at all.
***Now these past two months end of July - till now - BM is coming up with an excuse every Friday as to why DH should not have SD. He has not fallen for it - and has still gotten her. BUT the new excuse is that she has scheduled her classes (masters level classes) on Fridays and cannot meet him anymore. They have had a court order for 5 years - why would you do that he asked her.........
None-the-less being in school myself - I told him not to get angry - We know what school she is attending and program (UNC-Pembroke) and Education Masters - so we looked up the schedule on line - NO FRIDAY CLASSES AT ALL FOR HER PROGRAM - we then called to confirm -NO FRIDAY CLASSES FOR ANY MASTERS PROGRAM AT ALL! They only have undergrad classes on Friday which she is not taking. So we have the print out of that as well to bust that lie out in court.
*** Now we find out she has finally sat down with her lawyer and found out we filed the countermotion and they had read the counselor's report (which although BM's lawyer told her to go to, and BM paid for it - it really detrimental to their case and helps us out tremendously) and have decided to subpoena people to testify on BM's behalf. But the people listed are her friends and her mom. They have no knowledge of DH's interaction with SD or our interaction with SD. Actually we have seen all of these people only about twice in the last 3 years. At birthday party for SD and at her pre-school graduation. AND of course DH, myself and his family were all polite and pleasant. We spoke to them and even included them in on pictures we took and videos we took. So that may even backfire.
Why she had to subpoena her own mother - I am surprised.
I fully expect that her lawyer will attempt to contact our lawyer between now and 9 Sept to see what is really up. They don't know of all of the evidence as of yet. Since it is BM's burdon to prove her case and we are countering it. BUT our lawyer stated he will show them the morning of court - to see if she will settle out of court before seeing the judge. Showing her early gives her a chance to come up with some type of lie as a defense.
Although all of her actions make me very angry for what she has done.... and though I know that I was not there before I met my DH 4 years ago - they have not been in a relationship since months before SD was born.... So I don't know all the details. But I am sorry for her. She has allowed her anger and vindictiveness to affect her daughter and that is now allowing a chance for her to lose custody of her child.
I don’t know what I would do if I was in her position and I could lose custody of my 14BD. I would be distraught. But she has done these things thinking her day of being found out would never come. There are other things BM has done that DH has kept a record of that are just too long to list here..... BUT all I can pray is that some relief is provided in this situation. We have no problem with BM being involved in SD's life and having visitation and attending all of her events - as long as she doesn't come and do the same things again - that she is doing now.
I really thing she needs some counseling to help get past whatever it is causing her to harbor that anger and vindictiveness..... maybe her family after hearing this stuff in court will help her as well to realize that SD needs both sides of her family to work together - not one side constantly attacking the other.
Anyways - we have a conference call with our attorney today to go over the case again - and we will see what is going on at that time.
I know this is a long post - but it feels good to get it off my chest again. That way all of the emotions will not be as raw - when I have to take the stand and answer to these false abuse charges......
*****edited to add***** We have three 1 inch binders of her bull crap - emails, handwritten notes, notes from school stating she changed his information. We have a medication log where we document each time and amount of medication we give and when they dont come. AND we have a binder full of the videos and pictures we take dates and times... to cover us when she is with us and for pickups and dropoffs.
We also note conversations and the like. I feel like instead of my DH enjoying his time with SD we have had our freedom taked away - by having to document everything single thing all the time... .because she is an opportunist that will lie on us in a minute to take it all away.
- imagr8tma's blog
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Well, I though I had an insane BM! I wish you luck in your upcoming court session. Please keep us posted.
At least my BM only "threatens" to take us to court and never follows through. Howcome only BMs have so much time on their hands. Oh, maybe that explains why they're divorced from great men, because they have absolutely nothing to contribute to a family, relationship, or society. USELESS!
Good LUck!!!
Poor SD. Kudos to you and DH for sticking it out and fighting for her. I have seen so many SM and DH, for that matter, on here who are so frustrated and are unwilling to fight the good fight. The fight is long and the fight is hard, but in the end, SD will thank you for it. It just proves that when you are in a strong and loving marriage and you and DH support each other and SD, anything is possible. Yes, BM is sick. She is unable to separate her anger for DH from her love for SD. There is no doubt that SD is loved, on both sides. Unfortunately, the love BM has for her is not normal and it takes such atrocious behavior on BM's side and years of documentation before the courts are willing to step in. Good luck in court!!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!!!
Thanks .....
for your comments.... I really wish it did not have to be this way. I am a mother as well, and I believe SD should be with her mom in a good situation. I really wish she would have just gotten help with her anger issues or just dealt with it differently instead of all of this stuff she has done and the misery she has caused.
I would absolutely be crushed if this were me in her shoes. But we have to protect Sd and get her out of that toxic enviornment. I am just at a cross rodes with what is happening.... BUT DH and myself have decided enough is enough and someone has to do what is best for SD before her mother's actions start really affecting SD more negatively.
It is just sad in my opinion. I was hoping that when i introduced myself to her last june (2008) before DH and i got married (dated 2.5 years before that) that we could at least be cordial with one another. I just wanted her to know who i was and that if she had any questions feel free to contact me etc..... We didn't have to be friends or BFFs just cordial with mutual respect for one another.
But even after their relationship ended before SD6 was even born in 2003.... i thought that she would be mature about it - since she could not change the fact that we were getting married. Hell DH has even been married before (a short marriage - 2004 before i met him).... sd was born in 2003 - you would think she would be over that by now.... I guess not.
She still went ballistic and started all this craziness you read before.....
I speak to her and her family when at events and then disappear into the background with the camera and/or camcorder... just to keep from her saying i am harrassing her or making her feel uncomfortable. I treat her daughter as my own when she is in my home - leaving discipline to her dad of course. But we do keep our house rules the same... .and i have included SD in all of our family events - birthday parties, pool parties, game nights, christmas tree shopping and putting up the lights and decoractions, all of it. I don't want SD to feel any different in our home I want her to know she is loved by all. I tell her i am her friend and will be there if she needs help - and then i don't push any other issues.
So i just don't get it. I think BM may just need to talk with a counselor or someone to help her sort out what ever is causing her the issues.....
But she pushed it this far and now we have to follow through. It is just a sad situation to have to bring to court - but a necessary one. I just pray the court does what is right for SD!
I will keep you all updated........
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
Please keep us updated!
I have read your blogs and am rooting for you, DH and SD!
I sincerely hope that the judge takes the time to hear all of your evidence and makes the proper and wise decision to award your DH with custody!
Good luck!
reading yur blog reminded me how far I have come in my situation of all that crap,,,but now have FC....I am reminded of BM with all her false allegations crying like the defeated liar she is in the courtroom. I hope and PRAY u have the same end result I had. I know the torture of a desperate, mentally ill, narcassistic, pathological liar of a BM all too well, and I know u have been thru YEARS of pain with this woman. I am rooting for u with all of my heart. As we all know, our legal system doesn't always seem to work out fairly, but I am hoping so badly that my belief that when it comes to children, the good Lord does right by them is true in yur case.......I am sure yur atty will speak to her atty prior to the 9th....remind him that u do not wish any of your evidence to be divulged prior to the court proceeding; the fact that he has advised that this is his plan is a good thing!!!. This is the only way for yur SD to really have a chance....the damage this woman is doing to her is criminal and I pray the Judge sees it....PLEASE keep me posted!!! ((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))
"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"
My thoughts and prayers are with you
I sincerely hope you prevail. You deserve to. It is unbelievable how much that woman has lied, even to the point of endangering her own child with the wrong meds. It seems that documenting and follow through are benefiting you a lot, what hard work and commitment on your part.
Just wanted to tell you ladies
Thanks for the support. Now that we are finally going to court - is just kinda bringing all these things BM has done back to the front of our minds and it makes us angry. She has done alot of hateful vindictive things and I am praying the court does something about it.
I don't know what else my DH and myself could do to smooth over this situation. He pays his child support and extras, he gets SD and wants more time with her, We ignore her hatefulness instead of argue and fuss with her. We put our attention on SD and I treat her as my own (i know sometimes SMs or SDs can do the opposite)....
So what else does this woman want..... Good Lord.
I am just praying that for once justice and the truth will prevail in court. AND the judge does what is right for SD.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************