Back from the extra week BM gave us...
Well, we are two weeks out from out battle in court. BM is taking husband to court for custody, visitation and child support. Mind you, she put SD in counseling to say and prove that we were abusing her. It back fired and the counselors report and notes state SD feels loved warm and comfortable here with us, no signs of abusive of any type, that counselor had to repeatedly tell mother no abuse, that mother’s actions cause a state of mental confusion for child and that mother stated to counselor she did this to not have to drive to VA for visitation exchanges. As far as visitation goes: I am not sure what she is going for there other than to stop his visits stating he does not spend any time with the child when he picks her up. Hell we have countless pics and home videos of what we do – so that is a no go. Then the child support issue….. well she has gone for a increase for three years in a row…. 2006 – denied in court, 2007 denied through division of child support enforcement, 2008 – 3 year review was denied in court and told not to come back for another three years…. That would mean November 2011. Here she is back again with a lawyer asking for another increase in May 2009 – 6 months later. Okay.
But the main point I wanted to blog about was the fact that SHE BM GAVE US AN EXTRA WEEK TO VISIT WITH SD. AFTER SHE WROTE HER MOTION AND HER MOTION TO COMPEL STATING WE ABUSE THE CHILD, AND WANTS VISITATION AND CUSTODY STOPPED. WHAT?!?!?!?!? Last week we , my DH, myself, my BD and SD went to Myrtle Beach for spring break. For which this is not his year. BM sent DH an email stating she was going to Baltimore for the week and was offering DH an extra week if he wanted it. Hell yeah we took the extra time. But how is this going to play out in court.
I think one of two things will be said. 1. She will attempt to say she found out the counselor said no abuse and gave him extra time. But this is a lie – the first notes from the counselor on 10 Dec stated such, and all of the 6 other sessions state such as well. 2. I think she will try to say DH forced her to give him this spring break… to go along with the lies in the motion to compel stating DH threatens her and always changes the visits, times and locations.
But we have the email where she offered him spring break a month early and then stated she was going on vacation and he was to get her after her birthday party in NC and then bring her back on this past Saturday…. Which we did. So we will see how that plays out in court.
All in all we had a great time.... and we threw SD a birthday party in VA. It was really nice. We left our cell phones in the condo and just enjoyed our days without BM interference...... It was great.
- imagr8tma's blog
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bio mom
sounds like bio mom has wishful thinking about abuse
and wanted free babysitting so she could take her trip.
Keep copies of the emails
for when you go back to court
to show what she does
( accuses of abuse and then asks for free babysitting to take trips , changing visits) to make her less credible, keep good records of her emails and encourage her to communicate through them so you have record. Maybe tell her you can't get her phone calls and to just email you.
Document everything.
Judging by BM's past attempt at this it looks like she doesn't have a leg to stand on and it's going to back fire on her again.
The only advice I can give is like TinaKay, just document and keep copies of everything cause you'll never know when it may come in handy.
Thanks Ladies
We do keep everything. We have put all in a book catergorized by year going back to 2003 when SD was born of the crap she has done.
I can not wait to go to court with that book. We have made copies for her and her lawyer (which they will get on the court date.)
This book has.....
- letters she wrote the old day cares banning my husband after the judge gave him joint custody (she signed them).
- letters she signed telling him not to bath the child for a week and continue to put creams for skin rashes on her
- emails stating that child support should only be based on her net that she gave the child support enforcement office to determine child support
- applications signed by her with daycare and school not putting him as the parent - only as an authorized person for pick up and then when he corrected that with the court order - she then updated his information in correctly with an address from 2 years ago and wrong telephone number
- emails trying to use dance and cheerleading as a block for his visitation
- emails where she lied about the cost of insurance and medications - she doubled the prices until he called and verified them.
- email where she had already enrolled SD in private school without talking to him first and then asked for the 500 extra a month to pay for it.
- emails where she claimed SD was allergic to milk, eggs, cheese, pet dander, fish, shrimp, baking soda, peanuts, soap,latex etc and needed a epi pen and asthma meds to survive daily. But would not give any other information on meds or give husband a copy of the list from the doctor. When DH called school for a copy of the list - they had no knowledge and signed a letter stating such last May 7. Then she took SD to the doctor on May 9 and got a list of allergies. None of which needs to be watched by a moderate allergy to peanuts. However she purchased the epi pen and sent my DH an email stating SD would die on his watch - but refused to send the epi pen - since DH did not buy it and told him to get his own. How can he do that without the prescription from the doctor?
-Emails claiming we over medicate the child with asthma meds and then saying we forget to give it to her. So i document everything. We can prove she didnt send the inhaler (daily inhaler) for 3 visits which spans 6 weeks. AND when she did send it - supposedly it was a new one started on 23 March. Which meant it would have come to us for spring break with 11 puffs on the counter. It came with 21 (10 days of meds missed). So we took pictures of it and all the other meds (that came in bags with no instructions - we have not seen this before.) but ok.
-Plus other stuff - i will stop now since this blog is getting lenghty. The book has 11 tabs.... the years and then miscallenous things like other letters and lies she has told him. She likes to sign everything - especially the lies she told to the doc and counselor.... she signed them knowing they were all lies and attempts to destroy my husbands relationship with his daughter.....
So we are very anxious to go to court and put it all on the table..... 6 years worth of craziness hopefully will be solved on 6 May.