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We survived a week in double ex wifeville

ICanMakeIt's picture

A wedding and a graduation. Done and Done. Both ex wife encounters were decent. 
The rehearsal was the worst part with the  OG ex wife. Not sure if she drank or someone had a talk with her but the wedding went way better! Her whole family spoke to my DH and were friendly. His estranged daughter was there with her two kids he's never met. He said hello she said hello but that was it. She kept her distance. She didn't even talk to her younger sibling s my DH youngest two kids. That was sad. 

Graduation for the youngest with the other ex - was quick and painless. The only petty thing I'll say is I was surprised how little effort she put into dressing for the occasion. She looked sloppy. Her DH always looks sloppy and like a troll from beneath a bridge. 
We will have to see her again this weekend for Summer pick up but that should be even less interaction. 

I'll call it a win for now - but if I never have to do a double dose of ex wives again it will be too soon. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Dealing with a BM is like getting a Pap smear. The more routine and boring the result, the better! Congrats on the normalcy! It's a huge win for a SM!