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So confused and sick of BM (again)

IAmALady77's picture

So after everything, (see 2nd to last blog) SO told BM that he was not to call this house for her "reaasonable phone time" with SD after 6pm. Simple as that. So she calls at 6 yesterday. Fine. SO then goes to work. And what does she do then? CALLS AT 7! WTF?! I obviously didn't answer.

Also when she dropped SD off Sunday she brought her in PJs because she was "sick" and she gave SO yet ANOTHER revised schedule for this month.

She usually writes out her work schedule in advance so SO knows where to take SD to drop off, he usually takes her to his mom because BM doesn't get out till 8pm and this gives him more time with her. Well THIS schedule went from him taking her to his mom at 6pm to him dropping her off at daycare at noon. What a damn bitch. We're not going to fight her on this one because when we were all being nice, they had agreed in the parenting plan that noon was a good pick-up and drop off time. So SO is going to tell her that from now on HE will just drop her at daycare and whether or not BM is working is on HER. No more being nice and taking care of things for her.

Also, SO called their caseworker last night and verified that the meeting BM set up is indeed today so he's not going to let her know hes going, hes just going to show up even though she "changed her mind" and told him not too. God shes an idiot.