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Sick of the favoritism in this family

IAmALady77's picture

FMIL and I get along fairly well but I can't help but be irritated and suspicious about her blatant shows of favoritism in their family. First off, they are one of those strictly loyal to the family type families and if you piss them off you will die basically.

The thing is SO is her oldest so him and I are the "adults" in the children group if that makes any sense. I've blogged about this before but I pretty much hate SO's brother. He 25 years old, dating a 20 year old, lives in a shitty little trailor, sells weed, his gf is useless...BUT FMIL dotes on them CONSTANTLY.

When I quit the family bar, who took my place? Thats right, FBIL's useless gf, who BTW doesn't even love FBIL and has been emotionally cheating on him with their room-mate. WHICH the whole family knows about. We have family dinner every Sunday and FBIL's GF ALWAYS shows up with the roommate. People have actually commented on how weird it is and that maybe just the 2 of them should date. GF has even come to ME and told ME about her feelings and drama that I have no use for nor want to hear. (sorry if I'm rambling)

ANYWAY, my point is, FBIL is a joke. He whines about everything, is completely useless in his job, at home and even in his relationships. GF is a harlot. She walks around the bar with her damn tits hanging out, pretends to be so cool because she does acid and smokes pot, her and FBIL plan on moving to Chicago to open up a salon/vintage video game parlor ummm oh okay, good luck with that kids.

FMIL takes GF shopping, they hang out together, she makes her lunch for "school", like they are the best of GFs even though she is a skank and FBIL is an idiot.

MEANWHILE, SO and I OWN our home, bust our asses working, take care of business and what do we get? Nothing. Has FMIL ever asked ME to go shopping? nope.

I just don't get it. I really don't. Like I said, FMIL and I get along fine, we had many close talks and heart to hearts ect ect but I feel like she cares more about them than us.

Like today, we have a big festival every year the next town over and tonight was supposed to be the fireworks (its raining so maybe not now lol) but regardless, SO didn't have to work (at the family bar) his brother did.

This morning SO got up and he was SICK to his stomach. he's been pooping and puking all day, so I put him to bed and I wasn't too bummed about not going to the festival as planned.

Then an hour before his brothers shift starts, FMIL calls SO and tells him he has to work tonight because FBIL "hurt his back and can barely walk".

I CALL BULLSHIT. SO told her he was sick and that his brother screwed him completely over last time he covered for him so absolutely not (another bullshit story) and she guilt trips him into it, saying that he won't have to be there all night she'll try to get FBIL down there as fast as she can, shes putting him in the hottub right now. awwww poor little fucking baby.

REally??! This kid works maybe 2 nights a week and he convienntly gets hurt the one night this weekend he has to work. 100 bucks says as soon as mommy is gone hes going to the festival to sell and do drugs with his fat useless GF.

This got long so I'm gonna stop now but I tell ya I am pissed. Mostly because poor SO is now at work (and there will be hell to pay if he has to say there till 2am) and I am stuck once again home alone all night. Ridiculous.


shootingstarz's picture

They sound like pieces of shit like my IL's. I told all of mine to go fuck off. You should do the same. Even if you don't actually say that to them, you can emotionally make them fuck off. Screw 'em.

IAmALady77's picture

I'm considering just backing off for a while. I'm not going to tuesday night get-togethers with FMIL and the aunts anymore, I may or may not go to family dinner and I sure as hell am not going to help out anymore. I went over to FMIL's just 2 weeks ago and helped her clean her house with her sister and her sisters husband because HER MIL was coming to visit. Was FBIL or his GF there to help?? nope.

Annanymous's picture

Sounds like BF's mom likes being needed by the dependent fuckups that cannot fend for themselves without her. Seems a bit like a codependent enabler to me.