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I have lost my damn mind! Bring on the berating now... :(

IAmALady77's picture

SOOOOOOO.....last night BM called SO and started bitching at him AGAIN and told him that she was NOT going to come over today to touch base and talk about the daycare and everything else. I could see that he was getting upset and not accomplishing anything so I grabbed the phone from him and get this: BM DIDN'T HANG UP ON ME!

SO left for work and I talked to BM on the phone for AN HOUR AND 13 MINUTES. I know. WTF.

I cried, she cried. I know she was just trying to manipulate me but I got alot of things off my chest that I really needed to say to her.

at one point I flat out asked her "do you honestly think that SD is being abused at our house, do you really think shes not safe??" BM:"well no blahblah"...

Basically I am torn between wanting to support her and wanting to kill her. It is taking an enormous toll on my anxiety and my therapist is going to kill me but I had to say something you know?

She suffers from depression and she is just a bitter angry person. I get that. I understand not being able to forgive. It's taken me years to forgive people in my past and its hard! I get it. SO was a shitty person when they dated. Now mind you, I take everything with a grain of salt that she says but I know SO...and he has pretty limited common sense. He has grown up tremendously in the past 3 years and really put his all into doing the right thing and he TRULY loves his daughter. But BM can't see that because she is so angry and bitter still.

We talked on the phone for so long. I told her how my mom who I haven't seen in years took me from my dad and I didn't see him for 19 years. NOTHING. I told her that little girls need their dads. They need BOTH parents. I told her that I understand countless times and I cried.

I think she is just genuinely confused plus her mental problems....ugh. Plus we are all so young still and trying to figure out how to be the best parents with our own young vindictive mindsets coming through....SO is 26, BM is 25 I am soon to be 23 in a few months. It's tough.

I decided that I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel on this yet. She is sick and she needs help I know that but she's not entirely just INSANE for no reason.

She told me that she lashes out because she feels useless and isn't doing well in life (job finances ect) and her biggest fear is that SO is going to use that against her in court to take SD away from her.

I told her to stop thinking like that. No one is going to "take" SD from anybody and she needs to stop using court as a crutch. I told her the courts don't care about her. Or us or even SD to be honest. All they care about is money.

I think I convinced her at least for the time being to keep this petty crap out of the courts because we are all adults and should be able to co parent on our own without a judge telling us what to do. She agreed. ugh I'm exhausted. I shouldn't have grabbed the phone I know.

I was trying so hard to disengage from BM and let SO handle it but I needed to say what I did.

Okay everyone yell at me now Sad


c-mom's picture

Your BM sounds exactly like mine, all except for one thing. She only cares about the kids when she has something to gain by contacting them.

IAmALady77's picture

I know! And that's why I'm so torn Sad She told me last night that she wants to stay single and only wants SD no more kids, she actually said that she would end up as a crazy cat lady! Which is fine I love cats myself but I can see now that she just a genuinely miserable bitter person. I could tell that she was trying to see my point but I know its just hard for her because thats just how she is wired.

Like at one point she said well when SD is like 12 and she can TELL me and the judge she wants to live with her dad than I won't have a problem with that. (SD is 2and a half) So I told her about when my mom and stepdad got divorced the first time me AND my younger half sisters TOLD the judge that we wanted to live with my stepdad and NOPE! We were put with my mom even though she was evil incarnate. I TOLD her that the courts don't care about dads and you know what she SAID??!!

"well my mom was a crack head and the courts still gave me and MY sisters to her instead of my dad and it was horrible ectectect...".

So she KNOWS what its like. She KNOWS.

Willow2010's picture

I'm not going to yell at you. LOL. I would never cross that boundry, but if it works out for you, DH, the skid and BM, it would be great!! Good luck!

c-mom's picture

The only thing that I see that you did wrong was grabbing the phone from SO. You should have asked to speak to her. I hope talking to her and trying to work together with her works out better for you than it did for me. BM just thought I was all of a sudden her best friend and began calling to talk to me about her problems and then she would say she had to go before I had a chance to let the kids talk to her and all the while, all she did was try to gather information about us to make her lies to other people more believable. If you are all going to parent a child, you ALL SHOULD be able to speak to each other in a mature way with your common bond (SD) being the main concern. It is good that you two were able to talk. Just don't be disrespectful to SO, okay? Don't try to have control, try to share control and help each other have control of the upbringing of the child. You did nothing else wrong however. Don't beat yourself up. We are all human and at times let emotions consume us. Hopefully, you and her will be more comfortable talking to each other from now on and all of the parents getting along can only benefit a child. Smile

IAmALady77's picture

Oh I know :/ (sheepish) SO was surprised because for the past few months I've just been walking away when she calls or whatnot. I think it's because shark week is due so I'm just so damn emotional :/

rosie33's picture

Be prepared…I have done as much as counseling with our BM and we too hashed everything out and cried and afterwards got along better. She too has mental issues; as far as spending 5 days in a psych ward and also rehab. Unfortunately with people like them, its a band aid, not a fix. I have done NOTHING to this woman. I am currently waiting on our court date for harrassment. I can only play the sympathy card one time, she obviously does not want to change nor care enough to get some serious help so I'm done. I wish you the best of luck and kudos to you for hanging in there!!! I hope things get better for you!

IAmALady77's picture

I'm trying! I know she's just going to flip again in a week but oh well! No one can say I didn't try my damndest! Biggrin I need to go mop or do a load of laundry now lololol Smile

newbiemommy's picture

I'm guilty of having done the same... Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. BM1 is a horrible vindictive evil woman that uses the things I do or say trying to help against me. BM2 on the other hand, can only communicate with me. We get along great. She even shares personal things with me. So whatever works for your situation, go with it.