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Copy of the letter that SO is going to give BM at pick-up tomorrow

IAmALady77's picture


I am not sure why you have changed our exchange time 3 times in less than 2 weeks. Per our Court Order, we agreed on a 12 O'clock (noon) exchange time.
Per our verbal agreement when we created this parenting plan, you made it clear that if you were not available during the exchange time due to work, that I was to keep SD in my care rather than take her to daycare.

I have been caring for SD since July 1st, 2012 in this manner and it is my understanding that your work schedule still requires care for SD at that time.

Having me take SD to daycare rather than having her stay with me, her parent, when I am available to care for her is not in her best interest.

Starting today (August 18, 2012) If you are working at the time of exchange (noon), I will keep SD at home with me until I go to work. If I have to work, I will take SD to my mothers and you may pick her up from there. If you are not working at the time of exchange (noon), you may pick her up from my house at your discretion or you may call me and if need be, I am willing to meet you at noon at Burger King in (our town), our agreed upon halfway point.

You no longer need to write out detailed exchange schedules because as you stated, they are subject to change as your work schedule changes. Following the court order per our verbal agreement will eliminate any confusion on either of our ends. This past Sunday (August 12,2012) I waited at Burger King for the exchange and you did not show up. You claimed that you did not tell me to meet you at Burger King when in fact you did. I have all 3 copies of the schedule that you wrote. Because of this, I believe that it is in everyones best interest to simply eliminate this confusion now and we will follow the plan that I outlined above.

Following our agreement and not deviating from the order will allow both of us to spend the maximum amount of time with our daughter while keeping unnecessary childcare costs to a minimum.




IAmALady77's picture

Oh I didn't even think about getting it notarized lol, is that important? Would it make a difference if he just gave her a copy and kept a copy for himself?