In a perfect world..
A poster wrote something on a recent blog that I just had to share:
"We both realized early on that co-parenting and loving our children was the only way to go."
She said that she and her children's father never went to court and can split expenses without an arguement or resentment. Why, oh why isn't this a reality for most of us??
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I think the majority of us
I think the majority of us are on this site because our partner's ex isn't sane (reason they're an ex I guess)... So the lack of sanity is what causes strife. I WISH it worked like that. Would be a heaven send.
Until I came to this site, I
Until I came to this site, I didn't realize how much crazy there is in the world. At least it's nice not being alone.
Before I realized how crazy
Before I realized how crazy BM was I thought that this situation was totally going to be functional... Then I found this site and realized I wasn't the only one realizing how much dysfunction this life can have. It is nice not being alone
I finally saw the dysfunction
I finally saw the dysfunction when it was too late. We didn't realize that waiting almost 3 years to go to court would ruin his chances of getting reasonable timesharing since he let BM dictate his time with SD expecting her to have a change of heart. That was far from the truth and now he's paying for that. At least SD knows her mom is unreasonable and a bit crazy (she's psycho, but that doesn't need to be verbalized).
I'm glad DH is finally
I'm glad DH is finally acting... He kept thinking BM would come around for the good of the skids too... He just didn't calculate in who she is as a person. We ended up having to re-order all their documents (birth certificates, ssn, etc.) because she "lost them" (yet she's collecting the skids on welfare... I'm not stupid, I know that welfare REQUIRES you show those...). That and other things...
We don't say it either
We just try and be positive and make sure the skids are taken care of. Then any opinions they form are solely their own and aren't skewed by us.
I guess it means that people
I guess it means that people have to love their kids more than they hated their EX?
It might also be more likely to be the case when there aren't other interested parties like new spouses involved.
I don't understand being
I don't understand being jealous or spiteful about a new partner. Especially when said partner comes along after the original relationship had been doomed. I just don't. However, our BM ramped up the crazy when SD started liking me and probably telling BM stories about what we do in our home.
That's jealousy. it's like
That's jealousy. it's like siblings with a new pet.. trying to make the pet be THEIRS.. and not like other kids in the family.
BM rampaged into MIL's house
BM rampaged into MIL's house (I was on the phone with DH) and demanded if the girls were ready or was he "too busy talking to his new wh0re" right after she found out about me. She had told him she wasn't going to get the girls that day... And apparently decided to use that to blast in and make a scene. Isn't that cheery?
Some people just get jealous. Something about them walking on water, so their former spouse/partner couldn't possibly ever move on from them! Because they're perfect and everyone else is a downgrade! So therefore they have to continue to pine over them forever!
Oh, the men are never
Oh, the men are never supposed to move on!
They are supposed to sit and reminisce and realize what an amazing woman they had.
They are supposed to wish they’d treated her better, then she might still be around.
They are supposed to spend the rest of their lives lamenteing on what a huge mistake they made letting BM go.
They are supposed to pine away for her and hope that someday she might welcome him back into her life, if only in a small menial way.
They are supposed to jump at the opportunity to help her, with her house, or car, a move, or any other whim she might have.
And they are NEVER EVER supposed to fall in love with someone new! Even if they’re with another woman it won’t be the same because they have a BOND. They have children together and that’s something he can never have with someone new!
Notsobad, that's BioHo to a
Notsobad, that's BioHo to a T!!
(No subject)
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
That is how it should be. My
That is how it should be. My ex and I don’t have a court order. We Keep our communication to a minimum and just what is needed to help our son. He’s not a super involved dad, so that’s a bummer, but I can’t make him be a better father so I just don’t argue with him. Our son can make up his own mind about his thoughts and feelings regarding his parents. It’s up to the parents to forge a good relationship. And it’s up to the parents to open the door for both parents to have that relationship.
No my husband asked, she’s a whole other kind of crazy. One of the few mothers actually lost any type of custody of her child.
We never went to court for
We never went to court for CS, we figured everything out ourselves. ExDH and I aren’t crazy.
My DH isn’t crazy either but his exis. We dont pay CS as kids are grown but we are paying her alimony because she is lazy. I say “we” because it’s indirectly effects me. So we both work, so she doesn’t have to.
I have asked my SO this
I have asked my SO this question many times over the years while we deal with HBCM. His response was, and still is, 'Because you made it happen that way. You are rational, sane and self sufficient. All the reasons why I love you.' (I know, AWE but I get what he is saying. His other favorite quote is YOU CAN'T FIX CRAZY!)
My ex and I never had an issue with custody, CS or our divorce. It was easy. I mean just a lawyer drawing up our agreement and we signed it - EASY. I did not collect CS and I was financially responsible for our kids while in my care, same for him. He did help with extras, as he made more money than I did. But that was few and far between. Meaning, he would purchase new sneaks and send them home with them. Or would grab all the school supplies. Maybe cover sporting equipment. Not send me to Disney extras LOL!
It never occurred to me that he would have anything less than 50/50. He was their father and they deserved to have both of us just as they did while we were married. We chose to divorce. We chose to divide our household. And it would be damn impossible to split the kids in half so we had to make it work.
And we did. He moved a couple miles away. We had week on/week off. And we came together when necessary, such as school issues, meetings, etc. There were many times that we sat together with the kids and went over rules for both of our homes and let them know we were still a united front. And we shared punishments, if they were grounded from something it carried over. None of this running to the other house to get out of it.
When I decided to move back to our home town I spoke to him first. He was on board and we moved together. Just a few blocks from each other. Again, although we were divorced we still wanted our kids to have access to each of us.
And when his work schedule changed, we changed with it. I would have the kids when he could not. And when he was available they would go with him. Sometimes that meant he would have every weekend because he was gone all week but we made it work. If I planned an outing I would pick them up from him, and vice versa. There was never an argument. Each of us understood that THIS is what the kids want and need to strive.
And when I began a relationship with SO my ex was very aware of my boundaries. He would never allow my kids to behave in any way but respectful. Would correct them if they tried and did nothing but push the relationship between SO and my bios in a positive way. He would say 'Your mom is happy, SO is a good guy. You need to take advantage of that and enjoy life with them.' And they did, quickly. And although my SO admits that it was not easy (my ex can be tough to deal with) they got along because that was what was best for the kids.
But believe me, it was not all rosy, and isn't at this moment in time......
We fought, hard in the beginning. Slew digs (our kids were young so digs came out with a smile LOL). But we got over it real quick as the kids began to recognize the animosity and that was not how we wanted to raise them.
At this time my ex made some HUGE mistakes. I have full custody and he is working on becoming a better person. And even during this horrible ordeal my SO and I fully fostered their relationship. We fought for them to continue to have some type of contact. We never allowed others to talk badly about their Dad. And we shielded them from a lot of the fallout that occurred due to his behavior. We have even helped to facilitate counseling to ensure my ex comes out of this a better Dad. Because my kids come first. Always. They NEEDED us to be that way.
I say all this because this is the ideal. But it takes two people. All animosity needs to be put to rest. But when dealing with a BM (or BD) with a personality disorder(s) it is impossible. In our case we have extreme narcissism and borderline personality disorder (not officially diagnosed but you know the type). Meaning no matter what, my SO is wrong. No matter what evidence he has, the judge sides with the hysterical mother playing the system. No matter what the kids NEVER come first. It is sickening and awful and turns my stomach every day. But there is nothing we can do but just sit back and watch the horror show unfold
Your divorce is my divorce
Your divorce is my divorce exactly. We also live on the same block and do 50/50 no child support. We never argue.
And we don't have mental health issues.
My kids feel loved and supported.
It's a far cry from the train wreck that is my step kids lives with their high conflict mother
Yup! Same! I think that is
Yup! Same! I think that is why it is so much harder for me to deal with when it comes to HCBM and skids. I KNOW how a woman should act. What is best for the kids. Yet deal with a psychopath everyday and the fallout stemming from her actions.
This is how my ex and I are.
This is how my ex and I are. Our divorce and custody paperwork is literally 2 pages total. It says "everything is 50/50 as is agreed upon by the parents". We've never had any major issues. We stick to an unwritten schedule. I pay for just about everything, because he is piss poor and could care less if the kids have to do without. I am currently shopping for a truck for our oldest. He does pay for their softball teams. Which I appreciate. But I literally pay for EVERYTHING else, and we just don't argue it. School clothes, braces, glasses... shoes, backpacks... whatever it is, I pay for it. It's not worth the fight to me.
I think this can only happen
I think this can only happen if both adults have emotionally moved on from the divorce and the sad, reality is that some people never do. Also, some people were never happily married, so they never knew how to get along with their ex, even when they were married. It's difficult to learn how to have a functional relationship with someone if you never had one to begin with.
I'm so happy to hear the
I'm so happy to hear the accounts of ex-spouses who are sane and cooperative and do what they need to do to support the kids. My SO and his ex have a good relationship - cooperative, friendly, and all about the kids. They have 50/50 custody and there's no CS either way. I had to put some boundaries in place when SO and I first got together, but I'm really happy that his ex is cooperative and SANE. I am blown away by some of the crazy I read about here - it scares me. I just hope they continue to co-parent so well. I can't imagine continuing the relatonship if the ex suddenly became a HCBM.
I greatly admire those of you who put up with HCBMs and put the kids first.
Thank you for all of your
Thank you for all of your responses. A few things that stood out to me:
"It never occurred to me that he would have anything less than 50/50"
Why don't BMs think like this!? Better yet, why don't the courts think like this??!!
"My world never had BM's level of crazy and I honestly just thought DH was not communicating well with BM and if he just explained himself better we could work things out."
Same!! I was in a fantasy world and didn't realize that DH was screwing himself by playing Mr. Nice Guy.
I think it depends on why
I think it depends on why people got a divorce,
My youngest brother married his school sweet heart, and age 25 they decided they do not love each other as man and wife, and yes there where 2 kids,
they simply split, they still have family holidays and visit each other once a month, and their new partners have no problem with it, it's simply 4 friends enjoying life. There's no CS involved nothing, it was decided that she can have the kids as primary, the little boy refused to stay with his mother, the little girl refused to leave her mother, thus Brother has boy full time and mother has daughter full time, week-ends is a disaster lol... and school holidays, they do not live in the same town but close enough to drive for week-ends, It's been 8 years already since they split and it works for them....
a friend of mine had the same family set up, her parents divorced when she was a teen, and holidays where both sets of parents, she called all the females Mum and all the males Dad, between the 4 adults there's 8 kids, to them it's simply their siblings, no half no step nothing, brothers and sisters, and now there's even grand kids. A family holiday consist of booking 2-3 beach houses or a whole hotel floor, her parents where married for 20 years, and re married now for 18 years.... never any issues....
I think it gets messy if one partner cheated, or abuse, and people do not go for therapy, they will always compare the new wife or husband to the old, they simply can't put it behind them, then things gets messy. I wish it will be law, if you divorce you both should attend therapy and solve issues before the divorce can be final, and there will be no CS, nothing it will be 50/50 split and family therapy to get over what ever happened
^^^ That last paragraph! I
^^^ That last paragraph!
I agree Acra... DH was cheated on (she also would throw glasses at him if he would try and talk to her after she did... Like the drinking ones...) and BM never moved past that she should still be on a pedestal no matter what she did... DAYS after marriage she drove states away to hook-up... And then the whole marriage she cheated... Before marriage, during dating, she even did... And it was HARD for DH to move past... He had some serious trust issues that very nearly completely killed OUR marriage... He's managed to move past them (for the most part. I think being hurt like that is always going to leave some form of scars)... But if they had both been required to go to therapy, he would have worked through those faster, BM possibly would have moved past her narcissist "you owe me everything even though I screwed you all over", and it possibly would have been COMPLETELY different for these girls, not to mention for DH and I. Could have made things smoother, the girls wouldn't be facing being abandoned by a mom that doesn't care and we wouldn't have to be prepping for court.
I love her last paragraph,
I love her last paragraph, too. BM here was a cheater and just an a$$hole their whole 5 year relationship. I'm not the best wife but I'm not abusive and I am NOT a cheater.
Since trapping guys with having a baby is BM's MO, she quickly had a child with some random guy she worked with a decade ago after "dating" for maybe.... 4 months? She is very dependent but she works. She just refuses to pay for anything. Her motto is "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine".
The boyfriend actually isn't a bad guy but DH and I always think he looks miserable when we see him. However, I know he knows that BM screwed DH out of fair custody and he must be scared to death to to lose the kid he has with her if he were to leave.
The fear of losing the skids
The fear of losing the skids was the reason DH stayed long enough to even have the second kid... After getting pregnant Bm started asking for military benefits... He delayed marriage (teenage lust doesn't equate to marriage type of love is I think a big part of the issue here...) and then BM and BM's BM started threatening to take SD9 and move far away where he'd never be able to see her again... Same thing happened when he finally did call it quits... She threw the threats of taking the skids. For a BD who truly loves the kids I can see why that would be so terrifying.
Oh yeah, everyone knows our
Oh yeah, everyone knows our BM is a loon and none of DH's friends or their wives liked her. Her nose is permanently up in the air, so I don't blame them.
But to threaten to flee with the child(ren) of a man that is bound to the military? That is pure evil.
Well she's not exactly a nice
Well she's not exactly a nice person... LMAO