You guys are amazing!
I just have to say, I am so relieved I found this site. It is so good to know that I am not alone in going through what I have with Loml, ILs, skids, and of course BM. Have been reading for a few weeks & finally just officially joined today. To see you all handle things with grace and assertiveness is something that I aspire to. I have a good relationship with ss10 and ss8, but all the ancillary bullshit that comes with crazy BM and sharing 50 50 custody with her has been a challenge. I look forward to getting better at living my life with Loml and skids and not giving a shit about her and her drama.
- Honeybadger's blog
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Welcome! I can honestly say
Welcome! I can honestly say StepTalk saved my marriage! It gave me a place to vent some steam without taking every nit-picky detail to my husband. Best wishes!
That is by far the best peace
That is by far the best peace of advice I can give you. After BM set out to pretty much destroy my entire life, I totally disengaged from her. No contact AT ALL. No phone calls, no texts, no seeing her in person (unless I am forced to appear at court), none of her bullshit is directly allowed in my life anymore. I still cannot stand her and hope she gets what is coming, but to not have to ever deal with her is so wonderful. She cannot stand it, but it has been the best thing I have ever done since I met these people.
Thank you! That is awesome
Thank you! That is awesome your skids are almost grown & thanks for the advice! I am disengaged with her and Dh is almost there too, but she is one of those bms with no boundaries. Showing up during our weeks and leaving presents for the skids on our porch (when they go back to her house in less than 24 hours!), fedexing a cell phone to our family vacation destination and calling the skids nonstop, delivering items they"forgot" at her house to us 2 and 3 times a week, texting and calling Dh frantically and showing up at his work pulling him out of a meeting when a bathing suit gets left at our house,etc. The skids have no accountability to remember the things they need and bm never helps them plan ahead (Dh has gotten way better about it), so we have way more contact than we need to. I told Dh-make a list each week and whatever doesn't show up doesn't get brought midweek, either way. The skids' lives are Sunday to Sunday, they need to get used to planning ahead and packing the shit they need without their parents dropping everything to make life happen for them during the off week. We (not so affectionately) call her smother, and I can definitely live without her 7:30 am text message demands to my Dh. I don't think the woman could make a plan to save her life. The only plans she seems to be focused on are making entitled wild princes out of skids on her weeks, and bugging Dh and I the rest of the time! Whenever Dh puts his foot down she throws a fit and threatens to take us back to court, and then we get some peace and quiet for a week or two.
Wow, yeah, she definitely has
Wow, yeah, she definitely has issues! Your DH just needs to firmly tell her to stop and tell her to bring it on when she makes the empty threat of going to court. If your DH is not in the wrong on anything, she has no ground to stand on. Let her go to court and make an ass out of herself.
Uck!! Your DH needs to get BM
Uck!! Your DH needs to get BM in control!!! Id suggest you do as we do. And DH needs to tell her that under no circumstances is she to just "stop by" your house!! Thats crazyyyy!!!! When your DH has his parenting time- she needs to butt out!!!! You cant control what she does in her home on her time with the skids- but-- you certainly CAN control what you guys do!!!
Id have DH send her this letter (best done in writing). :
1. ALL calls to DH or you from BM will now go straight to voicemail!! (Unless she is calling the kids for her once-a-day parenting phonic phonecall). This means ALL her crazy phone calls!!! You cannot deviate from this one iota or it wont work!!!!
Your DH will then listen to said phone call & ONLY call back if its a True Emergency!!! Otherwise he will EMAIL BM back within 24 hours with his response! Any & All voicemails left that are non-child related receive NO responses!! This can be hard when a nasty BM is spewing vile crap about you guys-- but-- she will stop eventually when she doesnt get the response outta you guys!!! Trust me- this method truly works!!!
2. Your DHs court ordered time with his kids are just that-- HIS time!!! Tell her that more then ONE phone call a day is sufficient!!! Usually these are besf handled an hour before bedtime!!! Same goes when they are wth her!!
3. Make it EXTREMELY clear that her "stopping by" your house is Unwelcomed & NO LONGER permitted!! No exceptions!!!
4. No more leaving "gifts" for the kids on your porch!!!!! She needs to simply wait until the kids are with her & then she
may give them their gifts in person-herself!!! (That would drive me bonkers!!)
5. Do NOT answer her texts!!! NO MORE TEXT !! It causes waaaay too much drama!! Nobody should need constant chatter back & forth via text with an ex!!! Period!! She will try to still do it- but no matter what she says-- DO NOT respond. Not even one time!!!! Trust me- our nutso BM quit after about a month. If she refuses to quit-- block her!!!!
6. Items of the kids left at the other parents house, will be exchanged once per week!!! The only exclusion would be school related needed items!!! Even at that Id be more apt to dropping them off at the school for the kids!!!! Any more exchanges then that is actually her trying to just come up with 'excuses' by her to either see you guys or the kids when its NOT her parenting time!!! Its pathetic really!!
7. ALL emails you send her- keep it very to the point business like: Johnny has a soccer practice on x day at x time at x place". Keep ALL talk only about the KIDS!! Very simple & to the point in as few words as possible!!!!
Good luck!!! Hang in there but put your foot down on the BM invasions.
Yes fed up and bio to 3! I
Yes fed up and bio to 3! I agree! He has continually tried to set boundaries with BM but she is extremely manipulative and uses the children any way she can. All communication is under the guise of coparenting but if they don't get along and everything she says is a lie and she parents totally differently than we do, then what is there to talk about? Dh is the kindest sweetest most patient man on the planet and is just realizing how badly he has been bulldozed by BM and skids over the years....thanks in part to my commentary.
Dh finally realized how destructive the texting was becoming- About 6 weeks ago Dh and I were chaperoning a school trip and she texted Dh alllllllll day about a sports tournament that was during our time, she is on coach's email list, so really shouldn't even be a conversation since she can come spectate without communicating with Dh. That night Dh sent her an email that said his phone is for emergency use only and to email him from now on. Thank goodness! She sent a bitchy response alluding to taking us back to court, Which of course is now in writing:) she doesn't have a shot in hell and will look like an ass if she tries it.
Now we just have to get her to where she only shows up at our house once every week on Sunday when it is time to transfer the kids. I don't need a BM surprise on my porch when I'm leaving for work in the morning or any other time for that matter. It really feels like a violation when she shows up...I almost feel the need to tell her myself because maybe I will leave more of an impression (we never talk and she avoids me at all costs).... }:) don't want to cause waves with skids though...she is a big pas offender.
I'm trying not to take it out on Dh because I know he can't control her wacko behavior all the time when neither of us can guess what she will do next, but I guess I resent that these boundaries weren't set in stone way before I entered the picture. It makes our lovely life together feel like it has a big BM cloud over it.
I am glad that he has taken
I am glad that he has taken steps to curb the communication efforts. On the transfers and her invading your space at your home, this is SIMPLE!!! No longer allow her to pick them up at your home. Meet at a neutral location like a store parking lot, or like in DH's kids case, the police station. Beat that problem at the source. She will throw a fit but there is nothing she can do about it. If she wants he kids back, that is the arrangement. Period.
Sorry ***step to 3
Sorry ***step to 3
Great idea fed up. Luckily or
Great idea fed up. Luckily or unluckily we are in the same town as bm. If we went to get them and picked them up then we could take inventory in her drive way and the kids could run back in to smothers house if they forgot anything, in theory circumventing the whole BM reason to ambush. Dh can explain via email the reason for the change beforehand so maybe she will get it. I was envisioning chasing her off my porch with a broom, but your idea is much better.
She has zero respect for
She has zero respect for boundaries and needs someone to lay them out for her in a clear cut fashion. Not allowing her to call and text nonstop and not allowing her the courtesy of coming to your home are not reasons in any way for her to go to court. If she tries it, she will get up there and whine and cry but no Judge would order your DH to let her to continue to invade your lives like she does, at least I cannot imagine it happening. She is overstepping her bounds big time and you do not have to tolerate it. Just because her children are in your home does not mean that she should have free reign to drive you nuts during that time period.
Don't go to the trouble of
Don't go to the trouble of using a broom. A water hose on full blast works much better.
haha yeah no kidding, that
haha yeah no kidding, that would be great. If I took after skid mark's Mom with a broom I would end up in jail because I would end up breaking the stick over her head. With water, there is less of a chance of catching an assault charge. As tempting as that may be, not worth it.
and the advice given to you
and the advice given to you by stepmomto3bioto1 on how to approach this is spot on. Do what she said to do and things will be so much better. Her reaction to it is of no concern to you, she is nothing to you, keep telling yourself that, that is what I did. If she goes bat shit crazy and comes to your house anyway, call the Cops.
yes, it was so good to hear
yes, it was so good to hear that my instincts were right- that this is an invasion and doesn't need to be tolerated. Thank you everyone for weighing in. I'm usually pretty laid back and peaceful but BM pisses me off like no other. I never know if I am being completely irrational in my responses to her whacked behavior. We'll tell her that we'll come to her from now on in order to make sure we have everything we need for our week and so that BM doesn't have to be inconvenienced by making multiple trips to our house, which is also disruptive to our time with the kids.
Oldone-I'll keep the garden hose in mind as plan