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Any Recommendations?

helena_brass's picture

I'm a little worried about FSS5. He seems to be progressing just a little too slowly.

First, it's difficult to understand him when he talks, especially when he is excited. I think his verbalization sounds more like a 3 year-old. On the other hand, he is quick to pick up on things other people say, even if they are not talking to him.

Second, he still does not recognize numbers. He can count to about 20, though sometimes he'll skip a number after 15, but if you show him the number 4 and ask him what it is, he does not know. If you show him four fingers he can count them and tell you that there's four, but he does not recognize 4.

Third, his comprehension is sometimes a little slow. We play a matching game with pictures and colors. Sometimes I tell him to find me the red one, and he doesn't seem to grasp that. I can say it again, and if I slow him down he'll recognize it. It's almost as if he gets ahead of himself.

He is easily embarrassed by these things. I think his sister makes fun of him sometimes. If we ask him to repeat something he said because we didn't understand him, he kind of sulks and says "nothing." I feel bad. He has quite a memory, and he is very hand-eye coordinated. I don't know if there is anything wrong, like a learning disability, or if he just isn't being taught these things. His sister was always a little ahead of the game, but I know girls develop more quickly in these areas.

Any suggestions?


PeanutandSons's picture

My ss was the same way.... At 4 year old he didn't know any of his colors, could count thing (count just count abstractly.if you told him to count to ten), didn't recognize and letters or.numbers, didn't know his shapes, couldn't do a simple wooden puzzle ect ect. I assumed that it was because no one had taught him or worked with him. I tried working with him for about 9 months on my own before he started preschool. At 4.5 yrs old he went into preschool and could only actually count to about 5, abstractly count to 10, and we made no progress on any other skills. Having no other experiance with little kids, I thought he was behind, but didn't realize how car behind he really was.

But now 6 years later (4th grade, age 10), he is still on the slower end of learning no matter how.much extra help we give him. Just to keep him barely passing in school it takes me working with him an extra hour a night, every night, all year round. Dh refuses to aknowledge that there may be something more wrong with him (other than adhd). It couldn't hurt to talk to his pedi in private to see if he's still in the "normal" range.

KSM0224's picture

I would definitely take him in to a professional for evaluation. They should be able to tell what's wrong if anything. A child psychiatrist who conducts evaluations of the Axises in the brain would probably be the best person to evaluate. It's an extensive process but insurance should cover it if you have it, and it's not painful, just can be tedious because they put them through a lot of tests that require a lot of thought. Good luck! Hope you find out what may be going on.

mamamomo's picture

Yes talk to the pediatrician now to get him some help. My SS5 has been having issues and I have been telling DH for years he needed help but DH would say oh he's just a boy and doesnt want to sit he wants to play. SS5 and BD5 are 2weeks apart they are both in kindergarten and the difference really shows in their work even when most of their work is just color pages, now DH is starting to worry. Don't let him wait like I did push the issue even if DH doesn't want to hear it you might have to get creative and show him maybe find a friend the same age as SS where DH can see what level other children are on.

herewegoagain's picture

He should be evaluated. You can check with the schools for free evals, etc...

Now, you need to ALSO be concerned with the stupid sister making fun of him. That is ridiculous. Loser SKID when my kiddo was small would make comments about "why aren't you doing X when my sister can do X"...blah, blah, blah...I nipped that in the bud QUICKLY...Thankfully, it wasn't long before we stopped seeing her. If she ever dared make fun of my son because of his delays, I would be all over her a$$.