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Who do you love more Daddy? Headoverheels or ME?!

HeadOverHeels's picture

::sigh:: - what a crazy few days it has been. I removed my previous blog as it was a little too obvious with the situation if BM comes hunting for me on here. DH picked up SD and she was in a bad mood. He was chatting with her and out of the blue she asked DH who he loved more, me or her. He responded perfectly and explained that he loves us both 'equal' - that set the night off on the absolute wrong foot...

She sat at dinner and dessert with a foul look on her face, ignored conversation, was disinterested (and we even had family over for dinner) unless family or DH or I was 10000000% about her.

I understand its the age, but I am really not sure what brought this on, DH and I spend quality time with her whenever she is here, why the need to 'one up' on me?

As far as I am concerned I was slightly bothered by this, I understand the parent/child bond - but I would hope that our relationship wouldn't be something that could be compared to the parent/child relationship.

We didn't get much further than the basics that I just outlined here - I don't know if I should approach the conversation with DH again or let it go...


Kb3Hooah's picture

Does your DH spend one on one time with SD? I've always thought spending one on one time with your children, even if in a nuclear family is just as important as spending time together as a whole. It allows for a more personal relationship with that person.

My next thought would be does BM make comments in front of SD or to SD about you and DH's relationship, or his relationship with his daughter? Our BM used to say things to the skids like "Daddy has a new family now." I'm sure that even though some time has passed since she's said these things, they still stick in their minds and played a major roll at how the skids viewed me and my kids when me and BF moved in together.

However, I don't think that a parent/child love is the same love as an adult love. While I'm sure that he loves you both more than anything in this's a different "type" of love...Kwim?

“Got Boundaries?” ~BitchBitchBarbie~

Anon2009's picture

Maybe he could try to explain to her that he loves you equally but differently? Maybe he could explain this concept to her.

Maybe he could say, The relationship I have with you vs. the relationship I have with HeadOverHeels are two different things. That does not mean I love you any less. I get an immense sense of pride when I see you treat HeadOverHeels with respect, when you do well in school, when you achieve personal milestones, and when you treat others with respect."

You ought to have DH look up parental alienation syndrome. That is when one parent tries to alienate the child(ren) from the other parent.

You said that you and DH spend quality time with her when she is over. Perhaps you could allow them to have some one-on-one time without you present. That way, SD can have some time to bond with just her Dad. You should also check out this article:

Maybe you could consider spending one-on-one time with SD when she is with you also, and having these chats with her. I hope this helps.

Kb3Hooah's picture

I completely agree with everything Anon just posted, but I especially agree with this stmt...

"Maybe you could consider spending one-on-one time with SD when she is with you also, and having these chats with her. I hope this helps."

---------> I did this with my SD, and it has done wonders for building a relationship together. It doesn't go unnoticed either...she says she likes me because I spend time with her.

“Got Boundaries?” ~BitchBitchBarbie~

New at this's picture

How do you approach that with a 16 year old? I have been living with BF for a couple of years and progress is so slow. How can I approach alone time or spending quality time together without seeming pushy or invading at that age?

TheWife's picture

Appeal to her 16 year old-ness.

Pedicures, Manicures together.
See a movie? Do lunch? I would not try to "buy" her though because she will see thru that. Ask her for help with picking out a new outfit for a date night with BF Or even better, ask her for her help with picking out a gift for BF... That way she gets to see that you don't want to take BF from her, you want to all be a family.

Have a FB photo shoot with her? My mom and sisters and I all get dolled up to have a "photo" shoot and post the pics on FB. It's tons of fun and we get really silly.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Kb3Hooah's picture

Hmmm...I'm not sure, my SD is 8 going on 9, so I'll get back to you in 7 years? Wink Find out what she's interested in NAT. Then, casually ask her if she'd like to join you. If she declines, just smile and say ok, catch ya later. (But don't take it personal)...If she accepts, make sure you have THE best time. Smile

“Got Boundaries?” ~BitchBitchBarbie~

unbelieveable's picture

Yes - he needs to explain what anon posted. - you are loved equally but they are two different kinds of love.

soverysad's picture

Creature makes these sorts of comments frequently. She's never out and out asked the question, but she'll say things like "daddy, the male and female cardinals are like you and me. they love each other most". Dh just responds with "The male and female cardinal love each other like soverysad and I love each other. I love you, but daddies love their daughters different than I love Soverysad". Like your sd she pouts about it. In fact, she pouts and sulks anytime anyone disagrees with her assessment of a situation or anytime someone doesn't focus 100% of their attention on her. I find it exasperating but mostly ignore it. If she'd rather pout and sulk than go play and have fun, that is up to her. The only time I address it is if said pouting is intrusive in what dh and I are doing, in which case dh or I say "Please go to your room until you've finished pouting".

She gets plenty of one-on-one time, so we feel no guilt about not lavishing her with constant attention. Her problem is she is used to every adult in her life falling all over her and she HATES that I won't do it, so she tries to compete for dh's attention every minute of the day (only with me, she is fine keeping herself busy if he is working, on the phone, etc.).

My advice to you is don't let it get under your skin or she'll sense it and keep the issue going. As long as dh assures her he loves her and spends time with her, there is nothing you can do to change her feelings. Let her feel what she feels, but address and inappropriate behavior.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

HeadOverHeels's picture

It took me a while to write back - I did ask DH to spend more 1 on 1 time with her, he out and out said that he spends more than enough 1 on 1 time with her and he wont indulge in any more than he already does (his ONE day off a week is spent wrapped up in daddy/daughter time - in all HONESTY the last FULL day alone with DH (no work, no SKid) was our honeymoon almost a year ago...

Things have seem to have gotten slightly better.. time will tell... Thanks again everyone