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Sort of SKid related...

HeadOverHeels's picture

SD6 has her ups and downs but for the most part she has been on a really good swing right now (but that is besides the point) - My mother is cleaning out her attic for her garage sale and since I have moved out of her home (3+ years ago), I went over and went through all of the stuff I had stored there. 10-12 years ago I packed up close to a dozen porcelein dolls (probably $$$ but it was from so long ago it doesn't even matter and they have been packed up and ignored too - KWIM?) I spent time sorting through everything I left behind (pack and store, sell, take with me, etc) and want to continue growing my relationship with SD6 that I figured giving her these dolls would be a step in the right direction.

I am supposed to be picking them up tomorrow after one of my prenatal appointments with my OB. (This comes into play later on I promise) I got a phone call from my grandmother (I usually don't answer the phone past 11am - bc shes three sheets to the wind by this point daily) - but I did answer the phone and I was reamed out for giving these dolls to SD6 because 'when I have my own daughter I won't be able to take these away from SD6 and give to 'my' daughter' ::eye roll:: - This was a 10 minute tyrade that she went on. I left it off as 'IF the time comes that DH and I decide to have a second child that MAY be a girl (we are preggers with a little boy now) and if/when SD6 outgrowns the dolls, she can make the decision to pass them along to a little sister.

Am I wrong for being twisted? This is the same woman that has a SS58 who to this day she does not get along with, belittles, refuses to let him see his BD who is on his last leg, who has preached to me since day one that I need to be a great step mom and treat her as my own, I am sure you get the picture. No matter what I do/say - if I vent about SD6 I am the bad guy, then here I am trying to give her something that I loved as a child, and I am berated because I may 'ruin a tradition' for a daughter that I do not currently have nor plan on having any other children past the current one I am pregnant with. I made the mistake of telling DH about this tonight and told him that it doesn't matter if we have another child after the one we are currently pregnsnt with, if the next one is a boy/girl, either way SD6 is my daughter as well and I want to treat her the way that I would treat my own daughter (handing down traditions, morals, values, etc) - he seemed upset about my grandmother's comments (who wouldn't be if it was about your bio-kid) but he seemed pleased about my reaction about treating her the same as I would my own child...

Does anyone have a good response on how to handle this when it gets brought up again? Since it was only mentioned ONCE I am sure that I will hear about it daily for the next 3-4 weeks (and then again at my baby shower in 6 weeks...) - I don't want to be disrespectful, but I want to get my point across.



belle_27's picture

they are your special gift to your SD, and its your choice to do whatever you please with them! Im sure if/when you give the dolls to your SD you put the idea in her head that if you had another little child that you could share them or when she grew out of them give them as a present to the younger sibling.

Being in that older generation they are probley are very out of touch with how open and different step relationships are now. its a exciting time in your life and you are about to have a baby.

Maybe go to lunch together and explain to her the way you see the situations and explain that you are a adult and its a special time in your life and you are trying to include your SD and build a trusting relationship with her that you do see her as a daughter in your eyes and there is nothing wrong with having family traditions with a modern twist!You don't really need problems like this and everyone should be celebrating something special.

mermaid33's picture

I have been through this. Devorice is unheard of in my family. I mean no one is devoriced. So when I started bringing my SD around my family (extended family) was not as warm and welcoming as I would have liked. I had to tell them... Look SD is my family so If you want to be apart of my family then she is apart of your family too. It has been fine since then

soverysad's picture

StepAside taught me a very good mantra to deal with unreasonable people with whom we don't really want to argue. It goes something like this "I am so sorry you feel that way; unfortunately, this is my decision to make, not yours".

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.