BM Is Actively Dating Now???
A few months ago NPD BM told the skids that she is now actively dating. She told them the reason why is because SD17 would be graduating soon and SS16 and SS15 are busy doing their own thing. So they asked what about Lust Nugget age 5 was supposed to do? Her reply was that he spends most of his time with Numb Nuts.
When DH shared the news with me my response was, What the hell has she BEEN doing? This manipulative SLUT has never in her life had a monogamous relationship ever! She acts like a bitch in heat 24/7.
A couple of weeks ago, BM called SS15 and asked him if he wanted to have a landscaping job. I told DH there has to be a tie to the latest flavor of the week. DH is like, maybe.
This past Friday SS15 had planned to work and needed a ride so DH drove him. When he got home I pumped him for info. Apparently the person he is working for is the son of a guy BM is now dating (of many I'm sure). So I asked for the first name and checked our FB page.
He's the visitors check-in guy to the skids High school! Whenever you ask the skids about any new guy in her life they say "it's a 'friend' of the family"
I just want to yell out it BM's BOYFRIEND her new fuck buddy! I hate the fact that she uses SS15 to help seal the deal for her. She figures that if she gets him involved and intertwine the kids he isn't as free to just leave.
I can just imagine walking by him at the front door in the morning thinking...Um my BM is fucking him :sick:
- HadEnoughx5's blog
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What is this? "He's the
What is this? "He's the visitors check-in guy to the skids High school!" We don't have those in our schools??
In my state you can not enter
In my state you can not enter a school without either using a buzzer at an elementary or middle school. And at the High School we have a desk at the front door that you get a visitors badge and sign in/ sign out.
These things were put in place after the Columbine and Sandy Hook massacre's.
I live in Africa. So it's a
I live in Africa. So it's a school doorman?
Well I guess someone is going
Well I guess someone is going to "date" the doorman
Why not her. Embarrassing for the kids but it is life.
Always has from what I've
Always has from what I've seen of OP's posts.
OP if letting go every applied to a situation, it applies to yours. Why do you give two flying frogs if or who BM is dating?? I say this in the most respectful way but...find a hobby other than obsessing over BM. Honestly go out and enjoy your life. That woman rents way too much space in your head. Why do you keep giving her so much power over you?
You have a great DH, great family life, great whatever else you have. Stop worrying about what a ding dong BM is and
She used to take up a whole
She used to take up a whole lot of space back in the day when she used to trespass into my home, take us to court 2 or 3 times a year for 13 years, tried to have my tires flattened, my children's tires flattened. Now we just put up with parental alienation and her sucking money out of us. And every man she fucks becomes part of her harem that becomes more involved with the skids. So now these skids have 3 of BM's fuck buddies and DH.
It's a real nice set up for my SS's whom I care about.
1. I remember when my
1. I remember when my cousin's Dad was dating his teacher. He was embarrassed. Not by her job but that he was dating his teacher. I'm sure my skids are embarrassed that she is fucking the man at the high school visitor desk.
2. She would never allow anyone to sponge off her. She looks for men to get money from them. NPD BM doesn't work. She lives off the system. She collects child support from DH, child support from Numb Nuts and collects 43k a year from her dead husband death benefits for kids that were not his. So she makes 85k tax free.
Good for her! I always think
Good for her! I always think that the happier that BM is the better it is for everyone. So if dating lots of different guys is what makes her happy then so be it. Hopefully less drama from her to you guys.
I'm sorry, why do we post on
I'm sorry, why do we post on here again?
She's "actively" dating might
She's "actively" dating might mean she's looking to trap some fool into marrying her. As opposed to her usual "bitch in heat" routine where she's just giving it away.
LOL I'm going to use this on
LOL I'm going to use this on DH: "Come here baby, Imma get me some!"
You crack me up