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Petunia has got to go!!!

the green frog's picture

I have not been on in a while, but plenty has happened... Too much to write, so let's just focus on today. So! Prince Charming finally got divorced today!!! Yippee! I mean, it only took him 5 years. Meanwhile, biomom is living carefree with free insurance and a paid bill, but whatever... It is over now, right? Well, dear Petunia takes to Facebook to get her pitty party started posting on Prince Charming's wall how upset she is that everyone is congratulating him and not thinking about her feelings... BOO-FUCKIN-HOO!!! the bitch cannot stand biomom to begin with, so what the fuck is the deal? Does attention whore ring a bell? Again, whatever... But now Petunia has taken to being mean to my DD. Oh no! says mama bear! You need to get to stepping bitch! Go on! Get the fuck out and go live with your little girlfriend so you can 'get it in', as you say, all the fuck you want!!! UGH!!! ok... much better now... Thanks for reading!