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Off Topic: Do you ever feel?

grannyd's picture

Do you ever feel so hurt, so devastated, that you want to lay down, pull a blanket over your head and sleep for a week? How is it possible for us empaths to accept maltreatment and damage from those people who should love us, without collapsing into a puddle of heart-broken goo?

Without naming my relation, I’ve been driven to my knees by his recent insults over our governmental differences. How in the world can a disparity between political parties drive such a division between loving relatives?

I’ve been crying for the last half-hour, trying to see the point of, and endure, the alarming abuse that I neither deserve nor understand.

I’ll be attending the funeral of my much-loved son-in-law (there are 400+ folks expected at the church tomorrow morning), and would rather undergo abdominal surgery, in a ditch, with a bread-and-butter knife wielded by Ted Bundy, than accompany my nasty relation.

Your thoughts, my dear StepTalkers?



JRI's picture

It's terrible that you have to go thru this at such a sad time.  Just try to get thru tomorrow somehow, I'm sure your daughter needs your calm, loving support.  Does she have kids?

I hate these political differences.  To my shock, all 3 of our sons have a different political philosophy than I do. I just never discuss this with any if them, they are entitled to their opinions.  In your case, I'd back away from this person for awhile, if you can.  Perhaps their grief is coming out in an ugly way.

I hoping for peace for your family.  A sad time.

grannyd's picture


Yes, indeed, my younger daughter ...needs my calm and loving support... at her late husband’s funeral tomorrow afternoon. She has one son; an only child who was an absolute winner at the starting gate.

 Yup, we all love our grandsons but this guy is a star. I could go on and on but suffice to say that, at 23, the lad is well employed, honest, decent and kind to a fault. 

When he was only 6 years old, he decided to stand up to the older schoolyard bullies who took pleasure in tormenting the littles. Grandpa (aka my DH) taught him how to deliver an elbow hit and a few boxing moves so that my grandson was able to put the bullying shits in their place. (Rags could explain this a little better?)

Appreciate your support, JRI.

JRI's picture

Such a sad time for your family.  Your grandson sounds like a winner.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Granny, I'm so sorry you're dealing with an asshat relative on top of your devastating loss. {{{HUGS}}}

Is your DH going with you? Focus on honoring your beloved son-in-law. If anyone is asinine enough to talk politics, call upon the steel in your spine, and nip that in the bud with "We're here for dear son-in-law family. Period." Then walk away. I wish I could be there to shoot eye daggers at anyone crass enough to turn a time for mourning into an uncalled for sh!t show. 

Much love to you, my friend. 

grannyd's picture

Oh Ani!

If you had been here last night when (bi-polar, no excuse) family member was spitting his Nazi propaganda in my DH’s face, you would have been reminded of your own, good man. My DH did not, once, lose his cool; instead, he continued to engage our 31-year-old relative in conversation. After decades as a high-school teacher/principal, Mr. grannyd is an expert at using a soothing and reassuring tone of voice, even in the face of a furious, threatening (relation is 6 foot 5 inches tall, fit and intimidating) antagonist.

What a mess! I was sobbing, DH was struggling to put relative to bed ,while we both tried to figure out (while intermittently enduring shrieks of rage) what to do. Finally, relative phoned his dad (who was staying with his wife at a hotel near the funeral venue) to demand, “Come and pick me up, RIGHT NOW and take me home; I refuse to stay with these (insert racist comments here) old assholes a minute longer!”

Well (hear this, Rags?), the sire of this entitled son (who, by the way, wears a Balenciaga, distressed T-shirt that cost $1,200.00, despite the fact that he’s never worked more than 4 months in his enabled life), picked him up, in terrible weather, to accede to yon ridiculous commands.

And, BTW, the relative’s mother was left without a ride, despite the fact that the distance between the funeral site and her home is 150+ miles and that mom  is 62-years-old and in indifferent health, .

Am I finished with this asshole, Ani? Only time will tell. Rags, tell it to me straight!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thank goodness for Mr Grannyd! 

I hope you most certainly ARE finished with that asshole. He doesn't deserve so much as a used wad of toilet paper from you. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

It sounds like maybe this guy shouldn't be allowed at family gatherings. I know it seems harsh, but that behavior is not in any way acceptable and ruins the gathering for everyone else. A friend of mine has a family member like that. She doesn't go to all the family functions, but when she does, it's a drama-fest. Everyone's attention is on her, which i suspect is her goal. My friend said "We have to let her come, though. She's part of the family." I disagree. Some behavior can't be tolerated. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I hear that, Rumple. I've told Mr Aniki that if I go before a "family" friend who is invited to everything, I've made provisions in my will (and with my LEO friends) to have her barred from my visitation and burial. Others tolerate her behavior because they've known her all their lives - which is precisely why she is not welcome to disrupt any who are there to mourn.

Rags's picture

However, sometimes gutting a toxic parasite is what it takes to shut them up and cram them in their box.  Maybe when coddling daddy showed up you and DH could have tag teamed him to enlighten him on how big of a racist small minded coddled entitled waste of skin who would not know a moments work if it bit him in the ass that his spawn is.

It might havealso countered some of your pain and hurt over the realization of what this POS kid is.

Hugs to you dear lady.  Mr. grannyd is a blessed man.

Give rose

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope the funeral is a time for healing and if not reconciling, at least civility. 

I hate our political climate. At a time when family members need each other's support, they are at each other's throats. And for what? For politicians who could give a rat's behind about us. Families are being torn apart by politics and the politicians of each side are more like each other than they are like us. I bet they are civil to each other at the country club.

ETA i blame social media. We weren't meant to know the thoughts and opinions of billions of people. Or even friends or acquaintances we don't see daily. If Uncle Randy didn't post Trump memes or if your cousin's kid with green hair didn't post rainbow flags, we probably wouldn't know enough about their thoughts to be upset. We wouldn't reply back in all caps about how wrong they are, and there wouldn't be hard feelings. We'd see them at Christmas and say "Merry Christmas!" "I hope the Saints win." "Congrats on the new job!" 

Felicity0224's picture

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your family's loss. So heartbreaking. Sending prayers for peace in the days ahead. 

To be dealing with someone being nasty about political differences at such a time; that's insult to injury for sure. People are just so awful sometimes. I really hope there is a way for you to avoid this person altogether. Or that they will at least have the decency to bite their tongue for one day.

I've had a similar situation in my own family that has caused me to shed quite a few tears. My favorite uncle and his wife lost their only son at the age of 23 several months ago. It was sudden and devastating. My cousins, siblings, and I have since become very protective of them. There is an added layer of sadness that my aunt has terminal cancer and has stopped treatment since losing my cousin, so just a lot happening.

Last week another close relative, who I've always had a great relationship with, lashed out at my uncle on Facebook in a truly shocking way. It was over a political opinion, and the things she said to him were just horrifying. My cousin, my sister, and I all contacted her and asked her to delete her diatribe, which she ultimately did, but not before a lot of people saw it. The whole thing was so disappointing. Keep in mind that these people are 20-25 years older than me. The relative in question should absolutely know better. The older generations of our family raised us to love and respect each other. We've been blessed with a very close knit extended family. But this political climate has just brought out the worst in some people over time and it's difficult to watch.

I don't even know what the answer is except to keep taking care of the people close to me, refuse to engage in nastiness, and just hope and pray that everyone eventually comes to their senses. 

grannyd's picture

My dear Felicity,

I got called a "N-lover", a "kike" and a "psychopath" by an individual whom I've loved and supported since his earliest childhood. Even typing those horrific words makes me cringe and cry. Political differences, a topic that would have stimulated lively debate less than 2 decades ago, now divides families and friends. Devastating!

I’m glad to be 80 and have a limited time left to grieve over the tumult in the beloved country of my birth. I’ve seen such better times.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Jesus, that's awful. Aside from having no respect for his elders, it sounds like he has mental issues. I'm so sorry you are going through this. 

Rags's picture

It would be a scorched earth game on for me with that person.

Please be kind to yourself and give yourself some space from them.

Felicity0224's picture

Ugh I am so, so sorry. I cannot imagine how distressing that was. You don't deserve that at all. Thank god your DH was there for you. 

MorningMia's picture

Oh my God, I am so sorry. As DH and I are aging, I'm sort of thinking along the same lines. I just worry about all the kids in the (my) family now and what they are going to have to deal with. Devastating. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I am so sorry you are having to deal with this at such a difficult time. I think the political divisions are hitting so hard because so many of them are about the most personal of matters. Try and avoid this particular relative, because you are so empathic, even being close to them will be difficult. Can your husband run a bit of interference if necessary? Even just standing between this person and you would be helpful. I am so sorry for your loss.

grannyd's picture

Thank you, Harry.

Your plain, common sense is always so welcome and comforting. I'm getting through it!

MorningMia's picture

Yes, I think we have all felt like that at some point or points in time. I am so sorry. There is so much vitriol and hate out there right now. It's worse when attacks come at a time that is difficult, anyway (like losing a family member). Virtual hugs. Take care of yourself. 

thinkthrice's picture

About your DD's husband.  I'm  sure you will be your natural very supportive self.

In a nutshell life is very short but politics have been around for thousands of years so there's that.  We should enjoy life to the fullest while we can.

Rags's picture

How in the world can a disparity between political parties drive such a division between loving relatives?

If both are loving, then political disagreement will not drive division to the level you are suffering at the hands of your far from loving relative.  I know that telling an impath not to feel or give the openly toxic and insulting person is an oversimplification of a solution, however, IMHO it is the only solution.  So, step away, let them navigate the memorial service without you at their side. You go and pay your respects while being the caring respectful person that you are.

Politics can be the death of frienships.  Which is why I tread lightly on those topics.   My brother is a staunch conservative. His wife is a staunch liberal.  Their kids all were very mom centric as younger children.  As they have grown up, completed university, and are supporting themselves, they have all three shifted firmly to the conservative side of politics.   

My son was far more conservative at 18 than he is now at 32.  He is decidedly liberal in perspective.  We do have some discussions on politics which is interesting.  Where he is exceptionally intelligent and very data and facts driven in his profession, he is very feelings driven in his politics and economic perspectives.   I listen, and I recognize how he feels though I do tend to wrap up the discussions with pointing out the superiority of basing discussions on fact and data rather than feelings.

Sometimes disagreements are far less about whatever topic is under discussion and at their root are about differences in perspective that are really not about the topic at hand.  My DW and I find this to be the case most often when we have a disagreement.  I am a man brained linear thinker. She is a highly interconnected woman brained comprehensive thinker.  I am an Engineer. She is far more feeling centric than I am.  Facts, data, decision (Me). Vs. Facts, data, people impact, decision (DW).  Only post discussion and issue at hand do I consider people in the mix.  Generally I am of the mind that the best decision is made with the information at hand then the people adapt.  Rather than adapting the decision to the people variables.  People are complex.  Information is what it is.

I hope that your family member can find a stable position to engage with you through all of this.  I am sorry that you are struggling.

Take care of you.

My condolences on the disagreement and on the loss of your SIL.

Give rose


grannyd's picture

Ah, Rags. Your words made me grizzle in a healing way. Thanks, my friend, for your compassionate and welcome support.


lala-land's picture

I cannot believe how cruel this individual was to you in your own home.  Where I live, that's elder abuse.  Take care of you and those you love.  We unfortunately live in a time where that behaviour is becoming increasingly acceptable.  Sending hugs and condolences your way.

grannyd's picture

Hey, lala-land,

You've written, 

'I cannot believe how cruel this individual was to you in your own home.'

In fact, my relative spat out, "I'm never coming back here again!", during his final harangue. After the arsehole's departure, my DH (who is blessed with a fine sense of humour) continues to make remarks, like, "Get him on the phone this instant, honey, and beg him to return! The loss of his friendship is more than I can take!"

I'm also being referred to as a psychopath as in, "Hey, me 'ol psychopath, can I make you a cup of tea or wouldja rather poison me and mutilate my corpse?" I have to laugh.


ESMOD's picture

My personal feelings are that we all believe what we believe.. I don't think yelling and screaming are going to change anyone.  I don't mind having civil discussions.. but there is a reason why people considered discussing politics, religion and money at the dinner table to be in poor taste.  

grannyd's picture

ESMOD, my mother held the same beliefs and limited her childrens' dinner discussions to grades, school friendships, sports and the debating club. Our conversations were both comforting, at the end of our busy days, and soothing to the digestion.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

level. However, I will say where I live the facebook pages and groups have been going CRAZY for the last 6 months? The insults, degrading comments, etc. that have been spewed has been AWFUL like to the point I worry about some of these people's safety who I do not personally know. I saw someone say do you think talking this way to people is going to change their view? Which I agree with, who is going to side with this person's beliefs who is just saying these hateful hateful things without knowing anything about the other person except a small tidbit of their political views.

Personally, I do not discuss politics with basically anyone. I grew up in a house where my parents do have differing views on politics, but for the most part can discuss and/or disagree civilly. I wish the rest of the world, heck let's start with this county that they could because I can absolutely have a difference of opinion with someone even and I would not stoop to the level I have seen many people stoop to lately. I am really sorry you have this happening in your life and especially with a relative.

Rags's picture

If I make any comment or post that can even remotely be interpreted as political or about economic models, or financial strategies he is all over me like ants on picnic food.

Most recently, just a couple of days ago, I re-posted something from several years ago. It is a picture taken from orbit of the Korean peninsula at night showing a highly illuminated S. Korea and a nearly entirely dark N. Korea with a clear line delineating one from the other.  

The meme verbiage says something along the line of 70 years of free market democratic capitalism compared to 70 years of communism.  He immediately, like within 2mins, commented that N. Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship not communism.  He is not entirely wrong. While it is a totalitarian dictatorship, it is also a centrally planned and controlled communist economy. 

It does not matter how long it has been between me posting. Even years.  He is on anything he takes exception to within minutes.

I just ignore him and let his comment sit there. If he recruits Klingons to bombard a post that I make I just delete the entire post. Then he starts IM-ing me about why I won't debate him.  Basically reality Vs fantasy is not debatable as those who in fantasy and avoid reality can't discuss anything.  They are about dominating.