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godess-clueless's picture

It is 6AM and another sleepless night. No particular problems in this old person's household. Just one of the many nights awake after having spent so many years working night shift. On these nights the thoughts flood my mind and I wonder "COMPARED TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, IS MY THINKING THAT DIFFERENT?" Ithought about the time step GS {18} was visiting and telling me he was gay. Said he had his 1st encounter at 14. Told me that at 14 everyone had the same reaction of "being happy for him." Was I the only one to think that at 14 no one is prepared for the financial or emotional and physical consequences of sexual relationships? Am I the only one willing to say 'YOU WERE A CHILD AND IT DOES NOT MATTER GAY OR STRAIGHT. Does the rest of the world see the double standard here? Thought about the times I have been argued with,been mad at for taking keys away from both teens and adults because Ifelt they were too drunk to drive. As a non drinker my perception was not the same as theirs. Thought about the times I looked out my window to see a much larger boy of about 15 picking up and throwing down onto the sidewalk a boy not more then 10 repeatedly. Iwent out grabbed up the younger boy and told the older one to stop befor he hurt him. I was given a man's opinion from another neighbor. Told me " They were boys and interfering would humiliate the younger boy and make him look like a sissy" MY OPINION-- the bully needed to be stopped before someone was paying for broken bones.


alwaysanxious's picture

a question i ask myself everyday since I've met my SO.
everything you said sounds reasonable to me. but my thinking may be different too.

uncommon's picture

Ideally children would not have those experiences, but in reality they often do. I always stand up for kids when I see something but I think many adults hold the view you encountered.

I am raising my DD to be a child while she is still a child, but society will probably have different plans.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

SS26 supposedly had his first "gay" sexual experience when he was 14, also. I have NEVER seen him with a male companion, always girls. He has sex with them. I know this because he takes pictures, which puts me through the ceiling (and you think YOU feel "out of it" with morals!). SD25 continually told her father about her sex life (again, MORALS) and then showed up pregnant about 4 years ago and expected everyone to fall down and die with praise and gratitude. I though it was pretty sad that her own father had to ask her if she even had a clue who the father was. (again, MORALS) There is no subject off limits for the adult skids to discuss in front of their father or grandparents. DH just zones out, but I can tell the grandparents are uncomfortable with it. I feel that I am pretty "with it". I stay on top of things and am not a prude. However, the skids top everything I have ever seen. If this is the future, we are in sooooooo much trouble!