21 going on 6
Although their birthday involved a family camping trip that ended up in a huge family fight, future sd's and ss with his spouse and two young kids, once again poor twins, they feel so sad never get included god forbid the future stepgrandkids want me to pick them up! causes a reaction that was like a 6 year old throwing a tantrum. So one daughter starts in on me yelling and crying that her nephew doesn't even know her and not fair that he wanted to come to me, so I try nicely to calm her down, tell her she is getting all upset for no reason, in my head ( sure this will be one of the reasons when shool starts she is not doing well)!! I told her to calmn down and stop crying and she tells me I am being disrespectful to her, because I said she is 21 start acting like it. When we returned home after dropping them off 40 minutes later the phone calls from the bm started,she said" it was terrible that he was letting me play grandma to her grandkids!" so the ss got the calls too, of course he has no relationship with his bm and she has only seen one grandkid once in almost 3 years, he does not want her too because of the type of bipolar behavior that she has. I have had enough, at least I have the support of the ss and his wife! The have been wonderfull and try to get their dad to open his eyes too! So my birthday was saturday I received one text message on my phone from one future sd and nothing from the other, future ss called to say happy birthday. Makes me really want to make a effort. I have decided that I will not call them until attitudes change. I have met the man I have waited a life time for would do anything for me, my girlfriend and her husband said you can just tell how much he loves me by the way he looks at me, well lets hope he does enough to start telling them NO, and sticking up for me. He says he is upset with the way they are acting but thats said to me NOT to them, wrong person....
- Givemestrength's blog
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Yep..you're right...
Your DH needs to tell THEM that he is upset and that he will NOT tolerate any disrepect or bad behavior towards you. It sounds like the girls feed off of each other somewhat. I'm a twin and at 21, if my sister or I were acting that way, the other one would of called the other on it! Big time! Because it's embarrassing! Also, at 21 I would've gone a trip with anyone (even a stranger!) over my parents! Your SDs are focusing too much on other people...what do these girls have going on in their lives? What are their plans? They need to focus on their future, not their dad's!
FAIR? Are you kidding, fair?
Accusations about how it isn't "fair" that you get to visit with your stepGC's? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - OH man - what a bunch of malarky. My SD has tried the "fair" card on me. Once. I laughed. You have got to be kidding me - what is "fair"? It is merely a consequence of their actions - of COURSE it is fair. Go buy a copy of the movie Labyrinth with David Bowe in it. Next time they start whining about Fair, just hand them the DVD and leave. Fair my ass. What isn't fair is that they expect ANYTHING from you at all!
Ugh. You found one of my buttons, fair. They can bite me.
I'm with Gertrude...
They can bite me too.