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O/T Kinda, MIL drama

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

My MIL rocks (most of the time). We live 30 minutes away and spend a good deal of time over there. We pretty much lived there all summer while I was pregnant and til the skids went back to school.

She was on the phone with her sister today discussing holiday plans. Her sister wanted to know if SD12 and SD13 would be staying there while she was planning to visit. MIL said she didn't know, cause we just show up whenever (and that's okay with MIL) and her sister said she needed to know cause the SDs make her anxious. My MIL got mad and hung up on her, cause "nobody messes with her grandkids"

I think it was kind of nasty of her to expect them not to be around during Xmas, but I also kinda understand. They're not bad kids most of the time, but they can be hella obnoxious and for someone that's not used to em, overwhelming. I think its kinda ironic, cause MILs sis is also obnoxious and stresses everyone out when she visits.