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SS's "Hobby" is to upset me?! - HELP

Gingerhedgehog92's picture

So, this is all completely new to me, I've never written a blog or used a forum before, so please bare with me and apologies as the abbreviations are all a little new to me as well, but me and my DH are at our wits end and need any help or advice anyone possibly has. I also apologise as this may be a long one as there is a lot to explain with it being my first post. 

A little background: We have been friends for 8 years, together for 4, married for 1. We both have a child from previous relationships, my son is 9, his is 10. They have been friends since they were 2 and always gotten along. We now have a 6 week old baby together. 

My BS and DH have the nicest/funniest relationship, they wind each other up and are constantly playing games together and my son confides in him for any issues he may have. The problems we are having are with my SS. 4 years worth of issues, which we finally feel we have hit a wall with what to do. So its probably best we start from the beginning.

We have my SS 2 nights one week and 3 nights the next, usually more and in school holidays we have him the majority of the time. His BM has always been fine with me (I've known her during her relationship with my now husband), however she has always felt she has the control over my DH and shoots him down at every oppurtunity, which unfortunately doesn't wash with me, but we have usually been able to discuss things and come to a civil and reasonable agreement, until recently. 

She does many things we don't agree with, but are also out of our control to an extent. He spends a minimum of 2 nights a week (and has done since we have been together) in the pub with her, including school nights until gone 8/9pm. We have approached her many times, its now just become something that is lied about and hidden from us, not very well, but they try. Hes late for school, 2 hours late not 10 minutes here or there, because shes overslept - however since shes got a job, this seems much better. We have picked him up from her at 3pm before now and she has still been in bed. So over the years i've forgiven some of his behaviour and blamed it on his BM's actions. 

When we first got together we would spend time just on days out the 4 of us and we would have a great time - but my SS manners and general behaviour have always been something we have both picked up on and tried to encourage. Simple 'please' and 'Thank you', moving out of someones way, not interrupting, just little things. As time went on it became bigger things. Almost like he deliberately broke the rules. His BM started a group chat as she was having problems with his general behaviour - biggest one being that he lied about almost everything. She would ban him from electronics - we would support that and ban him from electronics when he was with us as well. Safe to say she isn't so supportive when its the other way round. As time went on, he started to behave for his BM and her partner (or they are oblivious to what he is doing, one or the other), and has always been well behaved for my DH, other than usual kid stuff. However, he has developed a "problem" with myself, which due to hours we all work, means I have him more than his BM or DH on my own. It started with things like breaking a light in the house, lying about it, then admitting later. It then quickly turned into "the look". I would ask him to do something - or more annoyingly just ask him what he wanted for dinner and he would stare me dead in the face and say nothing and turn away. This then became the new normal and whenever I spoke to him he would just ignore me, until me or his Dad stated I had just spoken to him and he would respond with the answer - so had clearly heard what I had said. 

It then developed into deliberately doing the opposite of what I have asked, for example we were looking after our neighbours house cats. He was stood by the front door and the last one to walk in. I asked him to close the door so that the cats didn't escape 4 times, he then stared me dead in the face, smirked and opened the door further. One of many examples I could use from over the years. 

They may sound minor things, but they are all day, everyday that he is here. Him and my BS have the exact same rules and expections from us, they get treated exactly the same and we reward then exactly the same. Simple rules in the house of making sure dirty washing is in the laundry basket, are among many rules my SS feels the need to purposely go against and stuffs them back in his drawers, "because he wants to". He has been banned from having drinks in the living room as everytime you asked him to make sure he put it somewhere safe and not knock it over - it somehow managed to magically get knocked over - this became every single drink he had and on some occasions he has given me "the look" before doing so. 

Anyway - they are the more annoying minor things rather than the real cause for concerns. So over the past year or so I have noticed a real change in the way he has become defiant. From catching him out the corner of my eye pushing down on the cats head, purposely pushing plates to the edge of the table so that they'll fall and break, stomping upstairs "accidentally" (admitted after that it was to annoy me) and tellling more and more lies. Hes made comments about kids at school that have been nasty and lied about being ill so I had to leave work to collect him from school and laughed about it when caught out. 

Fast forward to the past 3 weeks. We have a 6 week old baby, his little brother, which the day he was born I saw a complete flip in his personality and thought we had turned a corner. Since then he has moved the moses basket from underneath him when I was putting baby down and when asked why, his response was to make my life harder. He has become physically aggressive towards my 9yo BS, they have always bickered but never been physically agressive. Hes even more ignorant than before and purposely looks for ways to break rules. 

We have tried every punishment/ reward system possible, missing out on nice things, rewarded if he has good days, ignoring him back. Nothing seems to work. He has never cried about a punishment and I have never EVER heard him say sorry for anything unless told to. The one person he has always been good for is his dad and even that has stopped, which is why we have no idea what to do.

We have sat him down and asked him to write a letter explaining why he thinks its acceptable to behave the way he does, the key points in his response were:

- It's me he enjoys upsetting "it gives him a buzz like winning a game to upset SM" 

- "It makes him feel good to make SM's life harder"

- "Its just his hobby and he likes it"

What the hell am I meant to do with that? When hes been told he needs to stop it and behave hes said he will in the past and that hes going to try harder, after telling us the 3 above statements hes admitted he isn't going to stop purposely being naughty for me as he enjoys it too much. I explained if he behaved instead of not having days out or treats we could be having good times - to which he replied he doesn't like having good times as he doesn't feel like it. Hes admitted he doesn't care if he gets in trouble and it doesn't bother him if he gets shouted at. I asked him if it was ok for me to bully him and he said it wasn't as its not nice. I then asked why he thinks its ok to bully me and his response was " because I like it and it makes me feel good". 

We approached his BM about these comments and his actions and despite the chat she set up for our support in the past, our response was simply - 'It is your little family, you sort it" as you may imagine this didn't go down well.

As a couple and with my BS and our shared son, we are extremely happy, but even my DH has started to not look forward to seeing his own son, he is the only reason me and my DH have ever argued, we both love him so much, but he is not a nice person and clearly doesn't want to be either. We have always been a team and our kids are our kids, not yours and mine. Thats becoming harder and harder the worse he gets. We should be enjoying the new addition to the family, instead we continue this 4 year battle. 

It is really hard to explain how bad his behaviour truly is, or to not come across as just a nag. There is a million other things that could be added to the list, but I have rambled on enough and probably lost peoples interest before i've got to the true concerns, but even so I am willing to try anything, hense i'm here. My DH has always supported me and i've always been 100% honest about how i'm feeling and what has been going on, but this week is the first time my SS has started to treat him the same as he has been treating me for the past 4 years. He has no empathy, no remorse for anything and absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. 

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. We are at a loss of how to punish a child thats not bothered by punishments? 





Winterglow's picture

Stop rewarding him. Stop reacting to him. Remove everything from his bedroom except for his bed and three outfits. Remove his door. Make him earn everything back and don't make it easy. 

Gingerhedgehog92's picture

I completely agree.. he shares a room with my son due to space in our house so unfortunately that isn't an options. But not reacting or responding to him is definitely something we will try. 

paul_in_utah's picture

Ahhh...the type of raw honesty you only hear from grade-school aged sociopaths.....

Survivingstephell's picture

IMO he needs to feel the pain of being treated differently, as in losing ALL privileges all the while watching the rest of you go on as normal.  He's quite the little $hit head isn't he.!?  I'd also look up the Total Transformation on the web and see what's up with it.   I used it as inspiration in the early days of steplife.  Seeing they share a room, it would be hard to strip his stuff but you could definitely confiscate his most prized possessions.  He must have a "currency " that would motivate him to behave.  

Don't rule out BM encouraging him too.  A new baby almost always brings out the drama, in skids AND their mother.   

Don't trust him for a second and leave as much of the parenting to his father.   Any and all discipline comes from dad.  

lieutenant_dad's picture

Rarely do I advocate for a kid to no longer be allowed to come over for visitation, but this would be one of those rare cases where it would be totally appropriate for it.

He is being physically violent to your son. He has purposefully done things to put the baby in danger. He has tried (and maybe successfully) harmed the cats. He is purposefully tormenting you. These are not things you "punish" or "reward" out of a kid. He either has real mental health issues OR his mother is rewarding him far beyond what you all do for him to be a pain.

The solution here is that your DH no longer lets his son in your home. He can see his son in public places by himself. He can get his son into therapy. However, so long as his son is a physical danger to those in your home and says he is happy to cause you all pain, he needs to not come back. It is a legitimate safety issue.

If your DH is not comfortable with that, then he needs to find other living arrangements for when he has visitation with your DH. This takes away SS's dopamine supply (tormenting you) and forces DH to fully engage in changing SS's behavior. No, it's not a fair solution, but it's the one that keeps you and your children safe.

Really let that resonate with you: your children aren't safe with SS. Your pets are not safe. You are not safe. It is very unfair for your kids and pets to live with someone, even part-time and a child, who hurts them. Protecting them is your #1 responsibility AND priority now. This is one of those rare times when your marriage comes second.

I know that's not what you want to hear, but your SS gave you his reason for why he behaves the way he does. Believe him. He needs therapy. He needs to be cut off from the thing that brings him enjoyment because it harms others. He'll either realize how big of an eff up this is (as will BM) and he'll realize the juice isn't worth the squeeze OR he'll become deranged not having access to his "playthings". Your DH unfortunately can't walk away and has to deal with this, but you don't have to and shouldn't expose your kids to it.

Yes, this is that serious. Please act accordingly.

SteppedOut's picture

I whole heartedly agree and came here to say exactly this. 

Protect your children. Protect yourself. 

Gingerhedgehog92's picture

I agree with you. It has got to the point we looked into renting somewhere for my DH to stay with SS when we should have him (not affordable). 

Weirdly/unfortunately my BS is such a kind hearted boy that despite my SS hurting him the past few  times he is here he asks when he's coming back, sees him as his best friend and gets upset because he feels he is being punished when SS isn't being allowed to do things or play games with him. So I then get the mum guilt as he feels punished when he's not being, and SS doesn't care that he's being punished as such.

The conversation where we were told by his BM that its our family we should deal with it, started by my DH stating that he was concerned about my SS mental state and we wanted a drs opinion. Maybe refusing to have him will cause her to allow this. With her having primary custody means all referrals through the drs would go to her (for her to ignore) not us. 

Strangely, that is what I wanted to hear, I needed to hear that I wasn't being dramatic, I wasn't being ridiculous and the fact I was concerned for everyone was with good reason. The fact you have stated that and I've not explained even half of what's been going on reassures me that I'd be doing the right thing refusing to be his BM's child care and refusing to have him in my home. So thank you. 

It's really tough as despite everything I love him and want to be a family unit, I just can't have my mental health battered by it all or my boys put at risk. I keep telling myself hes only a kid. But the things he's coming out with are not kid comments or behaviours. 

I never even took the thought of him going through puberty and having all that to deal with into consideration. My own family have taken him on as their own. Despite how he has treated me and they have been supportive and not let this influence their behaviour towards him, he is treated the same as my BS, but have encouraged me to seek further advise and help. I thought this would be a dramatic approach and also unfair to request but seeing all your responses has reassured me that I'm well within my right to protect my kids and myself with doing so. So thank you! 

Unfortunately it comes with the battle of his BM. And the backlash it takes with my 9yo BS that as much as he understands SS behaviour is wrong he doesn't understand the full extent of what my SS behaviour causes. My DH is fully aware I posted this... and in his words "you put that calmly and to the point" so any responses have been discussed with him as hard as I can imagine they must of been for him to hear. We have 5 days before SS is supposed to be with us again, so hopefully with this we can get something in place to ensure everyone is safe in the long run.


lieutenant_dad's picture

Remind yourself of this piece when going through this:

Intact families - as in those without step/blended family issues - have to make these kinds of decisions when their kids have mental health issues. One parent sometimes has to move out with the child with issues to protect the rest of the family. The child has to be put into an in-patient psych facility. Hell, sometimes even parents give their child up to other family members or foster care because the threat is too great.

If DH wants to address this but BM doesn't, and BM is the primary decision-maker on SS, then your DH needs to give SS back to BM to deal with. He can still have visits with SS in public places. He can be involved in SS's mental health care once BM opens her eyes to addressing it. Bur up to the point of either BM addressing it OR BM handing over full custody PLUS full child support to your DH to tackle the problem, he needs to bow out. Your DH has another child he needs to protect, and so long as BM is going to tie his hands, he needs to just let SS go.

No, it's not fair. However, fair and reality aren't always the same thing. Your DH only has so much control.

thinkthrice's picture

That the BM is encouraging him to be evil when at your place as punishment for DH having the nerve to move on with you.   I 2nd visitation outside the home.   And I know about unaffordable.   CS impoverished my SO for over fifteen years and it is still going for a total of two decades. 

It might be time to end overnights. Let DH visit him outside the home on day trips   NO WAY IN HELL would I let Damien share a room with one of my bios!!!!  Its worth it to pay the extra CS to keep him away from your kids!

I thank my lucky stars my three skids PASed out early and permanently.  I could easily see SD, the Animal Torturer or YSS, the HousesHitter, who literally shit all over my house on purpose because he wasn't getting his way, doing this sort of thing!

Rags's picture

march him to an isolated corner to hold the walls together with his nose. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

Any snarky bullshit, ear, twist, swat, plant nose in corner. He is now approaching an age where he can also spend every waking non home work moment writing sentences. Tens of thousands of them for as many years as it takes for him to connect his snarky bullshit behavior to a stinging ass, sore ear, raw nose, and hand writing carple tunnel.

If that drives him to spend more and more time with BM, great. And good riddance.

As for SS's aggressive behavior toward your BS-9, get your kid in MMA classes so when his toxic StepBro gets agressive your DS can break some bones, induce some facial reconstructive surgery, and turn that toxic POS failed family progeny into a snivvling wreck any time he even thinks about getting aggressive with your own chidren or the cats. 

In my pre teens into my mid teens I was the not infrequent target of bullies.  Until I started making them bleed. I figured out that getting hit hurts whether I was fighting back or not so I adopted a philosopy to cause them more pain than they were causing and leave them with life long durable reminders not to fuck with me.  Interestingly when they were sporting facial reconstructive stitches and scars, they stayed the hell away from me.  I was easy going, well behaved, and did pretty well in school, sports, etc... Interestingly when I started taking no crap from bullies, my social stock improved nearly instantly. I went from middle of the pack to the pinnacle once people knew I was still nice, easy going, and totally unwilling to take crap from a bully.  Bullies learn from only a few key things. Pain, public humiliation and suffering far more than any suffering they may induce in the lives of others.  IMHO of course.

If I had a StepBro speak e to my mother the way this toxic POS speaks to you, I would beat him to a bloody pulp any time he even thought about getting lippy with my mother.  Your DH should already have that kid's ass in a flaming cherry red state nearly constantly for disrespecting his wife., abusing pets, and endangering the baby.  Grrrrrr!

You said your DH does not look forward to his own kid's visits. But.. what is DH actually doing about this kids crap behavior?

As for being accepted by your family and treated the same as your BS-9. Why? THis POS kid hasn't earned it.  He needs to be isolated and shunned for his crap. Not embraced and accepted.  Keep it on him. Induce a life of escalating abject misery for him and when he questions it, recount all of his shit behavioral choices. This is not a 5yo kid. This is a pre-teen who is far beyond old enough to understand right from wrong and be held accountable for his willful and enjoyed torturous treatment of others.

Bring the abject misery to play and don't stop until he corrects his crap behavior.

I would.


CLove's picture

Your Ss is drunk on power. Time for a buzzkill.

I would definitely not have him in my space. Hes harming cats? Hes endangering your kiddos?

It will only get worse, because he feels no remorse. Also consider nanny cams if you HAVE to take him on (you dont have to actually...)