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OT~ Religious Discrimination

Gia's picture

in the workplace...

I'm doing a paper on that, can anybody give some experience, input, whatever you want... I lack a lot of inspiration on that topic right now!!



TinaKay's picture

I went to work at this place years ago and then I find out the director and top dogs in the company are bible thumpers. They were the creepy preachy kind who do whatever they want standing with the bible. I could tell from how they acted they were not good people. They were fake christians. False phohpets.

I actually know the bible and I never asked them to preach to me. I went there to work, so what I did was go buy a star of david
pendant and wore it to work. They saw and stopped preaching to me because they could be sued for not respecting my religious beliefs which are to not be preached to by a bunch of bible thumping morons who are all talk. I am not jewish but they did not know that and jews do not belive Jesus was anything but a phropet, so my plan worked and they left me alone with the preaching.
At company meetings they started to say prayer and preach a few minutes and I would not listen and sometimes even got up excusing myself during "prayer time", showing them my star of david as I got up and left.
They looked at each other and me and didn't say a word.

a year later they company closed as they were all embezzelers and they went to prison.


true story. Other than that, I have nothing Smile
but rats.. haha

ferretmom's picture

I don't know about discrimination but I have worked at places where there have been younger people who thought it funny to make fun of me and others who are Christians. At one place I and a couple of others had to go to the GM about it. These kids thought we try to lead good, decent lives and believe in family values and have morals. I felt nothing but pity for them. They may never know the comfort that faith can give.

Gia's picture

life, and want to teach the kids how to be honest hardworking people. And stay true to themselves. After being born and raised in the christian world, I became a proud atheist.
I find extremely rude that people try to "convert me" or the other way around, I do not make fun of christians or other believers, I just respect it, and really do not care what you believe in as long as you are a person with good intentions and good ideals in life.

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

belleboudeuse's picture

I've often had people in the workplace say disparaging things about people who are NOT believers. The most recent one I can think of is a discussion about religions (obviously during a break), where people were talking about whether they would be comfortable marrying someone of a different faith. Many people said they could be comfortable as, e.g., a Catholic marrying a Protestant or a Protestant marrying a Jew. But then someone said, "But I could NEVER marry an atheist!" To which everyone else agreed, and the conversation turned to something else, with everyone seemingly satisfied with that general conclusion.

Maybe this isn't discrimination. Maybe this was just people expressing their opinion. But I do have a pretty hard time with what feels like the assumption that people who don't believe are less moral people. Frankly, I think I'm more moral than many Christians I know. And I don't need people to be nonbelievers for me to think they're good people, so I would appreciate believers giving me the same courtesy.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Gia's picture

Many ignorants think that Atheist like worship satan, which is totally contradictory because an atheist just does not believe in anything and accepts the fact that we humankind do not know anything.

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

Sasha's picture

It would be harder in the long run when a believer marries a non-believer, especially if kids come into the picture. You would have one wanting to raise the child with a spiritual background, and the non-believer may be opposed to it. It can cause a lot of trouble within the marriage.

belleboudeuse's picture

But in the discussion, it was like atheists were some sort of untouchables. And that's not the first time I have gotten that vibe about not believing. I think atheists are one of the last groups it's okay to discriminate against in this society.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Sasha's picture

My feeling is that as long as you do right by me I will return in kind. I'm not opposed to a little debate every now and then, but to go so far as to deliberately hurt someone's feelings is wrong. But I'm glad you understood the point I was making.

melis070179's picture

I agree 100% Sasha. I'm sure they weren't saying anything bad about them as people, but that a marriage between a couple like that probably wouldn't work, or work for them personally. Personally, I find it a little sad for someone not to believe in a God at all, but to each his own. I wouldn't hold any negative feelings towards an atheist, I think religious people just don't understand those views.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

BridgingTheGap's picture

After years of following my parents' religion of choice (catholic in case anyone's curious) I left the church and became an atheist.

I can't stand it when someone tells me that I need to convert to whatever religion they are. I don't go around telling people to leave their place of worship of religion of choice. I never make fun of people for their beliefs either so why is it ok for everyone else to judge me when I don't judge them?

I have had a couple of former co-workers tell me that my life would be "devoid of meaning and directionless" if I didn't belong to a church or follow a particular religion. Needless to say I was very offended by this.

And for the record, I do not worship Satan or practice any kind of "witchcraft". What many people do not understand it that atheists hold no beliefs.

TinaKay's picture

If there is a company that touts itself as a
"christian based company" I believe they are breaking the4 law if they ask someone being hired about their religious beliefs, so how can they do that... advertise themselves as such ?

Personally I will not deal with any company that touts itself as Christian based as I have found with my experiences that they do not prove to be the most honest people to hire ( contractors and the like ).
so how can a company that advertises its christian based....
hire christians when its against the law to hire based on religious beliefs?

tell me that college girl !

Gia's picture

What type of company is it? let's just say a Christian bookstore only wanting to hire christians, they can put that in the contract and the "job description/requirements" that they want people with some sort of experience in christianity to help customers etc...

Now, if is a random business, let's just say a car dealership, I don't see how they can justify hiring ONLY christians, as that will definitely be unlawful.

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

TinaKay's picture

there are "christian" house painting companies, roofing companies, air conditioning companies etc.
I will admit I see less of them now than I did 20 years ago.

I live in the south, the bible belt in a mega huge city that is mostly non white ( hispanic, black mostly)
There are HUGE churches here and many TV preachers are based here.

The company I worked for in the situation I mentioned was for medical supplies. wheelchairs and stuff.

I am serious they were embezzlers, they were billing stuff to people who were dead ! They were caught and went to prison because I heard it was major bucks they were stealing from medicare. Like millions.
I knew something wasn't right with them. I just knew it.
I should listen to my gut more.
why the hell would anyone bring that into the workplace anyway? thats just crazy !

ferretmom's picture

Gia, I have worked with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews. For the most part no one tried to convert anyone. Sometimes we would discuss religious differences during coffee break. We viewed it more as educational than anything else. I was talking about smart ass teenagers who think they know EVERYTHING. If you said the sun rose in the east they would argue that it rose in the west. They didn't harass just Christians they harassed everyone. I believe that if you lead a good decent life that's all that matters. I have no tolerance for bible thumpers myself. It's wrong to try and force another person to believe in only your way of thinking.

TinaKay's picture

agnostic all my life until my mid 30's... saw some stuff happen and I learned about God, by the time I hit 40 I was a believer in Christ, but not the bible thumping, FEAR GOD kind.... but the relationship, not religion RESPECT GODS WORDS and have a relationship with him kind... and I am very happy to be so. I do not like discussing religion with people who say they are christians tho.... there are too many fake ones out there to be open to any teachings or input from just anyone, so I am careful to not talk much about my beliefs. I tend to watch people and how they act and not what they tell me they beleive in or know concerning God.

Gia's picture

practiced that too. It was like a secret type of thing... weird...

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

TinaKay's picture

My parents were 1.) atheist and 2.) churchgoer only
neither had any religious beliefs.

My father said bible was a book of fairy tales. It was difficult to know what to do when he died with the service.
I came up with something though that worked for everyone....
30 minutes happy hour ( for his friends), a brief bible passage ( mostly for me). He was dead, no belief in God or after life so nothing for him but a goodbye.

Sasha's picture

just like Miss Cali did, and look what's happened!

Gia's picture

Although I DO support gay marriage, I agree that her opinion should have been respected.

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

Sasha's picture

but what some of these people have done amounts to personal attacks and name calling. This is not an argument about her beliefs anymore; this is now an argument over a person's right to express an opinion without getting bashed for it! Talk about intolerance!

Hanny's picture

Coffee breaks...what's that? HA Kidding aside, I live in So Cal so we are exposed to a lot of different nationalities and different religions. We have lots of lunch meetings in this company (this office is around 400, all combined 900 - they've laid about 150 off) so we have to be careful what we order for lunch. The company is very 'family based', they let people do all kinds of flex hours around your family. Most women who take off to have babies only come back part time. They do have some interesting things that I've never experienced before. They serve alcohol on the premises. Say for instance it is XMAS and we have a decorating contest between the departments so judging is at 6 pm, they have beer and wine and pizza in the board room for everyone. We bribe the judges (the Executive Committee) with food and wine and drinks. Say it is office clean up time, (2 times a year), they bring beer around on a cart and pizza to the departments while we are cleaning our cubicles. Lots of activites for families, XMAS party with Santa, summer picnic. They also sponsor an Easter Prayer Breakfast for the entire company and clients. This was amazing to me that there are large companies out there that still do this type of thing. It's really very nice, they have different clergy there each year, they pray. We usually have around 500 people who attend, maybe half are employees and half clients. They don't force you to go, but I find it interesting that most companies would shy away from this. They celebrated the 31st annual EPB this year. We also have parking lot BBQ's last Friday of the month at noon in the parking lot. Have team building activities, and food, no alcohol at those. This Friday Carl's Jr truck will be here and we will be playin baseball. It's an interesting can be as involved in any aspect as much as you like, including the religious aspect.

Sasha's picture

I don't think I've ever been discriminated against because of my beliefs. I have though walked into a patients room once...he was an elderly man, a deacon of sorts at his church. He was surrounded by a group of young men (his followers I guess), and the first thing he asked me is if I knew whether or not I was saved. Now, I believe in God, but I am also very quiet about my beliefs. I don't go around preaching but will answer questions if asked, so that really put me off. Not to mention he didn't want anything, just called me in to ask me that.

Believe it or not, I belong to an online atheist forum. Some of the members can be quite intolerant of anyone who presents a Christian viewpoint (there are a few believers on that site). They have a tendency on ganging up on one individual until they are so overwhelmed they leave. That I think is wrong. Where people got the idea that atheists worship the devil is beyond me. Basically I think there's a lot of misconception and misinterpretation of many issues, but I certainly don't think that being an atheist automatically makes one a bad person.

Good luck on your paper Smile