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I just don't understand this lady. A vent about BM.

GameOn's picture

BM asked last mother's day if she could keep the kids overnight when it fell on DH's time. DH said that was fine but he expects the same in return to which she's all in agreement and of courses. Father's day roles around and he asks if he can keep the kids overnight and return them to her in the morning instead of that evening (exactly what he did for her). She replies back with ask the kids what they want to do. SS is 6 SD is 8. The last time I checked a 6 year old and an 8 year don't get to make or be involved in adult decisions. DH asks anyways and of course SD 8 wants to go to BMs and SS 6 wants to stay with DH. So DH ended up telling her that the kids don't get to decide and it's up to her. This goes back and forth until she finally lets DH keep the kids overnight. This of course puts SD into a bad mood on father's day because she wanted to go to BMs instead of staying with DH.

Her birthday roles around shortly after that and she decides that she's going to wait until the weekend to celebrate it and wants to know if DH will give her the kids then instead of on her actual B-day, which is what the CO states. DH agrees to it which is fine. Who would withhold their children from their biological parent's B-day party. DH's B-day is this weekend and guess who emailed DH earlier this week requesting the kids on his B-day? You guessed it BM. She apparently forgot that his B-day was this Saturday "eye role" and already made plans to take the kids some where this weekend. So both of the skids are going to show up to tomorrow thinking that DH is the biggest jerk because BM made plans of awsomeness with them and DH ruined it by wanting them there for his B-day. I can assure you that's exactly what they will think thanks to BM. This isn't the first time she's pulled something like this.

I really don't understand where this lady gets off even asking that type of question. There is no way in heck that lady would ever do anything like that for DH IF he ever asked, which he wouldn't. She really is nuts. He just gave her his last weekend he had with the kids because her mommy was having a company BBQ and she wanted the kids to go. Apparently it was a 48 hour event.

Just wait until Christmas. BM is going to have a fit. This is the first year that DH gets the kids on Christmas week and actually gets them on Christmas day since he split with his ex. That means that for the first time ever we'll have all of the kids in the morning to do santa and Christmas breakfast and we'll be able to take our time opening presents and putting them together. We also get to do Christmas dinner together. BM is going to freak out. Of course it's okay for DH to not even see the kids the entire week of Christmas when it falls on her week and it's her year, but she is their mother and she should have them on every holiday and how dare anybody tell her otherwise.

I am actually looking forward to the freak out. It might actually be a good lesson for her to learn. I want something, you need to give in return instead of just taking and telling everyone to eff off when they expect the same back.


GameOn's picture

I agree one 100% with you Tog. I've told DH that before. It does not got to try and work with BM when all she'll do is turn around and eff him over repeatedly. I just don't understand. DH was actually going to give he the kids on his B-day before I said heck no. She would never do that for you. She would laugh in your face for even asking. He still hopes that he can be nice to her and then use it as leverage later when needs something and I keep telling him that it will never happen until she realizes if she wants something she has to play nice or it's a no.

GameOn's picture

I can't wait until we can just tell the kids it's in the CO that way and BM has a copy of the exact same CO.

GameOn's picture

Thanks Rising. It's not the first and it won't be the last. The only thing that we can do is explain to the kids that she scheduled things on his b-day which she shouldn't have done. It's wrong and he wouldn't do that to her. If they are going to be upset with anybody they need to be upset with their BM and not DH. He's not the one who made plans for the kids on a weekend where they will be with DH for half of it.

loveblinded1's picture

That reminds me of Cleetus last birthday party the Arnette ruined by telling the kids she wouldve taken them to the Piggly Wiggly for free samples day but daddy said no

Shaman29's picture

Yeah.....DH used to do favors for Uberskank all of the time. The last time he did it was over a mother's day weekend. Their CO states the child is with the parent (Mother/Father Day) for the whole weekend. And supersedes scheduled visitation weekend.

So knowing this, we had a long, overdue, romantic weekend away planned for Mother's Day weekend. Knowing his kid would be with her mother all weekend.

We were planning on leaving right after work on Friday, the night before Uberskank calls and tells DH he's taking his kid for the weekend. I said NO. We have plans. Well according to Uberskank, she has plans and they didn't include her kid. DH said...what can I do? I told him, you can tell her no. We have plans and she can't call at the last minute like this and expect us to change everything for her.

He didn't, we canceled our weekend and I was pissed. I did not forgive him and he's lucky I didn't dump his dumb ass for once again pushing me to the side because his exbitchwhoreslut decided how we would spend our time.