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SD16 ups the ante...

fedupstep's picture

Oh SD16! You certainly know how to make your dad proud!

Last week DH called BM after not hearing from SD16 for almost a week. She had her phone taken away from her due to not turning in her school work. AGAIN. Two freakin weeks left in school and she still is pulling this shit. Sd16 was walking her dogs when DH called so BM said she would have her call him back.

When she called back, DH put her on speakerphone and asked why she is still doing this. SD16 sighed loudly and said, 'Dad, I already got shit from mom over this. I don't need your crap too.' Our mouths dropped open and DH looked at me with a 'did she really just say that' look on his face. I simply got up and left the room.

For the next hour, they argued, screamed, cried, yelled some more. DH about broken promises, making her life harder than it has to be, what are you going to do when you are done school next year? blah, blah, blah. SD16 is all about the 'constant yelling' from both her parents, she thinks school is stupid, poor me, poor me, poor me. I've hear this conversation a hundred times over the last 2 years.

Just when I think the call is winding down, I come back in the room. DH tells her (again) that she needs to listen to him. Her response?

"My mom doesn't give a fuck about what you think, so why should I?"

And there you have it folks...what I've been telling DH for 4 years has finally fallen out of her own mouth. The child who has a 21 year old bf, failing in school, no job, no ambition finally pushed DH over the edge. I've seen DH mad at her before, but this was a whole new level of rage. Told her she was awfully brave to say those things on the phone an hour away and that if she ever talked that way to him again he would put his foot in her ass.

So...she is expected here this weekend. I am wondering if she is ever going to come. DH has a history of being upset with her, then never following through on what he says he's going to do. But as of last night he has said she is in for a rude awakening this weekend.

No cell phone, computer, or tablet.
No TV.
She will do homework..and if she doesn't have any, DH will assign some to her.
Since it's father's day, he now wants her to help with the yard work (which she detests)
No talking about her boyfriend, Chester the Molester

And the best part? DH actually is encouraging me to get out of the house this weekend. Usually he insists I stay around for 'family time'. No problem! She's all yours!

I think this is the first time I've ever said this...I'm looking forward to SKID weekend!!


fedupstep's picture

DH will be telling her when he picks her up that her phone and tablet stay at her mom's. If she argues with him, he said he will not say a word, just get back in the car and come back here without her.

I will be home in the evenings...I look forward to the show they will put on for me. She will sulk, whine and tell DH he is being soooooo mean and unfair. If he stands his ground, he will be make up for a lot of the respect I've lost for him. If he buckles, I will tell him I don't blame her for not caring what he thinks.

bearcub25's picture

She wont come for the weekend.

In fact, I'd say you won't see much of her for a long time.

Jsmom's picture

My bet is she won't come...My next call would have been to BM to tell her you created this mess, you deal with it. DH pretty much did that with my SD and BM begged for help and then when DH made suggestions, she didn't do them. Good luck and enjoy your free time. She is not coming, I guarantee it.

Hopefully your DH doesn't have to pay for college like some on here.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Why not pick her up and not mention that you want her tablet and phone until you arrive to the house? By giving up your ace in the hole before she is in the car you're allowing her to still run the show.

fedupstep's picture

This is exactly what I told DH last night...but he wants to do it his way. I'm just sitting back and will enjoy the shitshow.

misSTEP's picture

I am pretty sure that she wouldn't have such big balls with daddy if she was planning on seeing him this weekend.

Justshootme's picture

She won't come. DH had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago with SD13. He made the mistake of demanding her phone as soon as she got in his truck. She said no, got out and got back in BM's car and left with her. We haven't seen her since.

fedupstep's picture

As of last night she said she was still coming..DH didn't let on how angry he still was. She likely thinks all is forgiven and forgotten at this point.