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SSDILs are just as bad if not worse than SKIDS

Evilwicked's picture

So, I don't know if it's just me, but I think I hate my step D in law more than my SS. She reminds me if his BM in that she generally makes a trip to the ER at least once a month with some current illness. She has a dr, but would rather wait and go to ER. And she can't go alone. Generally she will drag kids and hubby with her for an all night fix. She is the queen of lazy, and lives like a slob. It is so bad, that no one will go over there for parties etc because she doesnt clean we have caught her mother licking off a serving plate clearly the apple doesnt fall to far from the bush She can spend all her welfare check on a mani pedi, but won't buy her kids clothes or wash them. She has decided she is in charge of when H sees his grandkids, not me because I am a bad influence. She would rather the kids hang out with SS BM who is diagnosed CRAZY, uses pot to medicate herself when she can't find or afford her crack fix. This same SSDIL has accused my SS's twin of raping her, but is now friends with him again. I on the other hand threw her a baby shower, unlike her own mother or friends, and have co stanly been called on to babysit their son, but am not allowed around her daughter or their baby girl. I have had enough. SS is no catch, hasn't had a fulltime job in years, but he at least can fake being a human being. Not that he isn't stupid too. My favorite was when he was trying to tell me that SDIL was feeding from a bottle because her milk hadn't come in yet. This was four weeks after the baby was born. Having successfully nursed three, I told him that she wasn't nursing enough, and that after that long, it not coming in yet wasn't the problem. He looked at me, rolled his eyes and said "umm hmm, yeah, ok" like I was the crazy one! I am so sick of both of them, I don't know which one is worse. The latest was when I sent a text to SS saying his dad hadn't seen the Gkids in over a month. I guess she went on his phone and got pissed. Started a text war with me about how she would decide where when and how they got together and it was none of my business. She went on how just because I had money and an education, it didn't mean I was smart and I could just shove it all up my a$$. It got worse, and I have to admit I called her a stupid bitch. The war went on for a while with her calling me every name in the book and ended with her telling me to take them out of our will(not a problem) cause let me tell you it would not hurt my feelings. Since then, there have been zero visits for my H. Usually we see them at least twice a month. It has now been four months. I have to say they are doing a great job of keeping up the relationship. The only good thing is I no longer have to be a part of it.


Evilwicked's picture

I agree as far as most of what you say. I have been caught up for a long time trying to make/ have a family type relationship with all of them. I am just now starting to let go, as for years I have been trying to make things work and wondering why I can only do wrong. I even get blamed for things my H actually said. I feel sorry for the kids, and have recently decided that I really need to not think of them as my Gkids, since their parents don't. I also agree as far as H needs to create his own relationship. Was venting after listening to her spout off about how he would "see the kids plenty" etc. This is the same couple who visited their newborn ten times in three months when he was in icu. I should know better than to have any expectations and am working on letting go. It's just sad.