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SD19 is about to learn about real life

evilstepmotherJ's picture

SD19 moved in with her BF's family a few months ago because DH and I asked her for rent money after she quit college and had planned to just work part time and lay around and do nothing. Well, the shine must be wearing off...because allegedly she is looking for an apartment. She posted on a public wall on FB that she is looking at a 3-bedroom house for $1,000 a month. DH and I have been having a good laugh for days now. Let's see, she left a brand new home with her own room and her own bathroom when we asked her for $300 (1/2 of which we were going to put into an account for her to give to her in the future) to move into a very old house in which she has to share one bathroom, pay more than $300 in rent plus utilities and food and necessities. Her BF's mother no longer posts on her FB wall like she did before and we can assume that she has worn out her welcome there. I'm sure she has stopped helping around the house, hasn't done a thing to help clean their home and is just lying around there while working part time. Exactly as she did here. I am so hoping she gets the house rental, I think that is going to be the only way she will ever grow up and learn just how good she had it here.

On the flip side though, her (non-custodial) "mommy" is giving her money hand over fist (because of course SD has to brag all over FB about how much her "mommy" loves her because she buys her things.

It's almost like watching a soap opera watching it all play out on FB. I look forward to my daily show Smile


evilstepmotherJ's picture

True that, she seems to live in this fantasy world where she gets to keep her money and everyone else pays for her to actually live, thanks to her "disney" mom, who didn't want to raise her but loves to throw money at her and her BF's mom who thinks she is just "the sweetest girl ever". She loves to complain to DADDY how every penny she earns goes back out WAH...welcome to the real world honey, just wait until you are paying rent, utilities, food, etc and the amount coming in doesn't equal the amount going out. I guess then she will see that going out to dinner and movies and vacations are just wants and not needs