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DH setting up meeting with SD18 and wants me there

evilstepmotherJ's picture

If you need extra information, please go back to my blog and see the letter I wrote to SD but didn't send.

Hubby and I have had enough of being ignored in our own house so he has advised SD that she needs to find time in her schedule next week to sit and talk with us. This, after being ignored by her in our own house for 2 months now. He has asked me to be there, even though I am detaching because he wants me to have the opportunity to voice my feelings. I'm still not sure how i feel about that but in preparation I thought perhaps I would print the previous letter I wrote and just read sections off of it to her at the "meeting". I never gave her the letter to read because I didn't think she would "hear" me but I wonder if me reading it out loud might have more impact.

My other option is to just wing it but I'm afraid I won't keep my cool and will forget key points I want to bring up.

Of course, the other option is to not be there at all but I would like the chance to at least get my feelings off my chest.

Thoughts, opinions?


evilstepmotherJ's picture

I tried to find the blog link you posted but I can't seem to find it (fairly new here) but i'd love to see it. Can you post it here?

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I agree and I'm torn about what to say. Sometimes I think it would be best if I keep my mouth shut but yet it is my house. Thankfully I have some time to think about it as she is avoiding us like the plague.

I'm leaning towards saying what I want to say and letting the chips fall where they may and yes those words will include "get out of my house you brat", maybe a little nicer than that but its now or never it seems.

whatwasithinkin's picture

yep my husband has had this conversation with SD17 on more then one occasion about the living in silence, ignoring bullshit. All it does it make it worse and she will escalate to all new heights of rudeness

until SD17 and DH came to the conclusion that if this is how she wanted to live in our house then it was time for her to vacate. she had the choice of MIL or her Mothers. She chose MI