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New Step Mom

evilstepmommy's picture

I'm a new step mom and I came searching on the internet to help me find some people who feel the way I do so that maybe I would feel better. I have read some of your issues and comments and I find myself wondering if this is the place for me. I love my step-children who are girl (8) and boy (5) and get along with them well. Most of my concerns come from being new at this and wanting to make sure I do what's best for them and our family as a whole. My most difficult issue is their mother. She is awful to my husband and does and says things that drive us both crazy. I will get into more about her later. Anyways, it seemed like many of you have issues with your step-children more so than ex-wives so I wasn't sure if this was the place for me.

Also, as I've been reading I have found some of the abbreviations confusing. If someone could help me out with those I would appreciate it.



aggravated1's picture

Welcome! You are in the right place! There are a lot of us that have more issues with the BM's(birth mom's, or bowel movements, whichever you feel like calling her that day)than with the SK's.

Also, if you look in FAQ to the left of the page, there is a list of abbreviations. Any others you have questions about, just ask!

etyler's picture

Welcome! I am def in your situation with my problems being mostly with the BM, not he SD. I hope you find some good advice Smile

dragonfly5's picture

You fit right in...most of like the kids can't stand the
BM and are sick of dealing with her BS.
This is a great site for advice and just to vent. We all need each other...

My best advice to you is do not engage the BM in any way.
Remember these are her kids. No matter how crazy she is, they belong to her. You husband needs to be the one that has contact with her.

Hang on because you are in for a ride!

Nuttmegg32's picture

I am in a similar situation as well. I am engaged to a man and going to marry next year. He has a 5 year old daughter. BM is all about herself and has taken my fiancee's 50/50 custody away from him. He wants to try and get the 50/50 custody back. Anyway, I'm new to being a stepmom also and we have had issues with her but I've also had issues with his soft way with discipline and her eating habits. They're not terrible and she is a good kid (we get along very well) but I feel that we need to be on the same page otherwise there might be bigger issues in the future. Hopefully we can talk more about other things.