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Well you're not either dumbass

Evil stepmonster's picture

Oh lord, here we go. It's been a good 6 months but I knew it couldn't last forever.
Inbred is either back on her crazy juice or off of her meds. I don't know if she's ever actually been on any medication but I've often said to her and every one it couldn't hurt her to give some a try. Honestly, the peaceful six months we've had I thought she might have taken my advice, but now I'm guessing she just found a toy to play with for a while.
It all started with her being upset that I didn't let dPPP help me decorate cookies. I didn't think it was that big of a deal but as usual, I was wrong. That led to DH getting many texts that read...
"Your bitch needs to apologize to your daughter for not letting her help"
"I can't believe you would let that woman treat your little girl like that"
"What kind of a father lets his whore talk down to his only daughter"
"Let me guess, you know knocked the bitch up with some devil spawn that she thinks will replace dPPP? How could you do that to her"
And the list could go on and on.
When the texts weren't getting responses, she began the calls. He did answer one because S7 left a vm saying he wanted to talk to him. Of course we knew it was a set up, but on the off chance that S7 really wanted to chat with his daddy he answered.
Surprise surprise, S7 said hi dad then handed over the phone. I don't know all of what she was saying but I coud here her shrill voice coming through the phone. I got annoyed and said (loudly on purpose) "Seriously? All this because of sugar cookies? What backwoods barnyard did you find her in?" Suddenly...quiet. I was shocked. No snappy comeback? No witty retort? Nothing? Had I really silences the beast with a pea brain? I was waiting for the angels song to come down when DH handed me the phone.
Me- You want me to hang up on her?
DH- No, she asked to talk to you.
Me- For what? I can't help sound out her words, you know I hate teaching stupid children.
(Yes, I knew she could hear me.)
DH- .....
Me- You really think this is a good idea?
So I get on the phone. She begins her rant over how mean I was to her daughter. Yada yada, you're so mean, blah blah, dPPP was really upset, incoherent babble...your marriage doesn't even count.
*sound of a tape rewinding*
Excuse me? What did you just say? Our marriage doen't count? And what led that darling little brain of yours to come to that conclusion?
"Every one knows that only the first marriage counts. Even if it was common lawed. You'll never really be his wife like I was and still am because you're always going to be just the second wife. Doesn't count at all."
I must have looked like I was having a stroke. DH got concerned about my expression. I had never heard such idiocy in my life. And I've lived over 30 years, I grew up in the 80's, I was in school when they named ketchup a vegtable. I have heard stupidity in my life time, but this.
I took a deep breath and calmly replied. Inbred, as you said only the first counts. That means you didn't count. You were not his first wife, BM1 was, and after the rant about cookies, and now the numeric value of wives I can totally see why you were just common lawed married and I got the ring and the wedding. He has definitely moved up. And I pitty your children if they inherit your intelligence, hell I pitty them that you are the one that mostly helps them with their homework.
I hung up the phone and asked DH...
So, did ya feel like the man walking around with that 18 year old on your arm??


Teas83's picture

What a psycho. I could see my BM doing something similar, although she wouldn't want to talk to me. She actually puts "wife" in quotation marks when she refers to me in emails. It's the same thing - she's trying to imply I don't really count, even though she and DH were never married.

I like how you handled it.

kathc's picture

If you'd let the kid help with the cookies she'd have called ranting about how you FORCED her to make ALLLLL those cookies and wouldn't let her do anything fun.

Glad you shut her down.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Oh yes, dPPP would have been Cinderella having to make treats for the evil step mother and the evis step sibs. I've been down that road too when I let her help me ice cinnimon roles. I just let her ice hers...but that turned into I expected her to cook breakfast for every one is the house. I tagged out.

Teas83's picture

Exactly. No matter what you do, it's wrong.

I've found myself the victim of this same crap from BM so many times. I'm too involved, I'm not involved enough, etc.

weekendwidow's picture

Yep, SS wanted pancakes so DH set him up to make them all by his wittle sewf (He's 17!) and he got pissed that other people ate some. It turned into - Mommy, widow made me cook breakfast for EVERYONE. Asshat.

Evil stepmonster's picture

It was my backwoods comment. I knew I was talking loud enough for her to hear me. Honestly, I was trying to get the phone call overwith because we were watching AHS freak show and he paused it while listening to her crap.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Wackadoddle!!! Great job! Lol. Love it!

The one time BM and I got into a fight, I had her so tongue twisted that is why I think she ended up punching me in the face. Did not know how to respond to me. Hahahaha. She has a very low IQ I am sure. Dumb as shit.

Evil stepmonster's picture

First time I met her was around 10 am on a fathers day morning. I offered to take DH out to lunch with his children. Her speach was slurred. I asked DH later was she drunk or high? Nope that's how she normally talks. Oh...awesome choice to reproduce with there DH.