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Oh for petes sake!!

Evil stepmonster's picture

I began disengaging about two weeks or so ago. It has been nice I will admit. I do my own thing with my bios and they do theirs with their dad. I've had a few set backs here and there but I'm a work in progress.
Inbred never liked the fact that I was involved. She constantly complained that I don't cook right for her kids, (they are use to well balanced mcdonalds and pizza diet) I shouldn't be in any decisions about anything, I shouldn't have a say in their bed time or anything. It's been a struggle almost every time they come for their visit.
Now I've been directing them to their dad for everything. They don't like what I cook, ok it's there if you want some if not fine, me and the bios sit down to eat reguardless. I'm not going to nag dPPP about not leaving a pull up full of pee on all day long or that she should really have clothes on since she is around boys all the time. I'm not going to say a word any more.
Inbred called last night. Bitching and moaning about how I'm treating her kids once again. I was baking cookies the last time they came over and my BS14, who is in cooking classes this year asked if he could help decorate them. So sure, let me show ya a thingy or two. dPPP wanted to help to. Well, no.
"I'm doing this with BS14. No you can't help."
That was all I said. I did not mention that I didn't want someone who thought it was clean to walk around in a piss soaked diaper all day to be in my kitchen touch food people might eat. I'm not going to mention how disgusting her nails were and that she throws a fit any time she is asked to wash her hands. Inbred wants that all over her kitchen that's hers to deal with.
So, now I'm neglectful and mean to her poor little darlings. Well to be fair, it's dPPP that complains. SS7 loves it over here. After he got off the phone he tried to have a sit down with me and I wasnt' having it. She complains when I'm involved, she complains when I'm not involved. She's going to complain until one of three things happens.
1dPPP turns 18 and there's no reason for contact any more.
2 We get divorced
3 One or both of us die.
That's when her damn complaining will stop. I really think this woman should seek psychiatric help. Why does someone put this much time and energy into screwing with someone elses life? Why does she feel the need to always call with trouble? It is becoming very least to me and OBS that sPPP is a little Inbred clone.


WTF...REALLY's picture

BM did this to me aallllll the time!

I am too involved, I am not involved enough. It never ended back then!

In an argument we had - she within a 5 minute period she said - "you have not embraced my daughter enough".....then " you are trying to steel my daughter"

What a bitch!