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SKID free

Endora's picture

I hope-for 10 glorious days!!! Zippy16 is off to Europe-This being Friday the 13th I hope his flights are on time etc. and he does not end up schlumping back in the house (my luck!). Sad Please pray for me that Zippy gets off on his trip on time!

I was almost floating on air this morning-no more clothes, shoes and coats lying on the floor-no more dishes, food, electronics, computers, games, school crap all over the house. What is clean will stay cleaned-wonderful peaceful dinners. No 24/7 Xboxing with subwoofers vibrating the house-and BEST of all-no passive aggressive, sullen, moody man/child galumphing through the house!!!

DH on the other hand is going through withdrawls however! He will miss his precious Zippy and wait breathlessly for any texts/calls from his side kick. I wished Zippy a good morning (no response) DH just sat there. I wished Zippy a happy trip (no response) DH husband asked Zip to respond-Zippy just walked by did not say a word to either of us!

I plan on making the most of these 10 days-YIPPEE!!!


doglover1's picture

Enjoy each and every minute!!! IM GREEN WITH ENVY!! THe only thing you have to deal with is DH missing the zip...I get the same thing here when Sd is gone........I could puke!

Endora's picture

Zippy not being "burdened" with the ravages of common sense-and his lack of time management-missing flights back home could be a distinct possibility (or perhaps the mafia in Rome will take an interest in keeping him?)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Angel's picture

How naughty is that!!!! And how perfect! LOL

Most Evil's picture

I think Danyelle has a great idea - make the most of your free time-!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin