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Teased DH last night about his/SD19's codependency

Elizabeth's picture

I don't think he got it, but I got a chuckle out of it.

SD19 can't do anything by herself. I'm amazed she remembers to breathe most days.

Last night DH is getting onto the laptop looking up SD19's bank account. Even though SD19 lived an hour away with BM, she decided to come visit DH one weekend when she was 16 and get him to open her a checking/debit account, to which he signed on as joint. I didn't agree, but I wasn't consulted, so... (It makes it convenient for Dh to transfer money, which I have to assume was SD19's intention all along).

He's getting SD19's bank account number and texting it to her. Why, do you ask? She's "finally" getting her check direct deposited and doesn't have any of the information she needs and "doesn't want to go home to get it." OK, home is 5 minutes away to her dorm room, but whatever. Then he's getting on to find all the bank tracking information and sending her those numbers. OK, seriously, you're 19 years old and you can't be bothered to bring the information you need KNOWING you intend to fill out the direct deposit form? So, put on your big girl panties and bring the information the next time you come to work OR go get it on your break.

I just looked at DH and said, "SD19 is lucky to have such a good MOM as you." Seriously, you'd think she was three years old for everything he has to do for her (including looking up the weather for her in towns she's planning to visit, even thought she has a damn iphone and can do it herself).

He didn't get it.


ctnmom's picture

Mom? More like a nanny! lol Does he know he's crippling her? What would she do if he were God forbid hit by a bus tomorrow? :? I always tried to teach my kids independence ( and to some degree CTBB, the big baby) because DH and I might not always be here.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

She is like the kids I get at work. I work at a college and these kids are SO codependent. They can't do anything without Mommy or Daddy holding their hand. Due to FERPA, I cannot tell parents ANYTHING, unless we are speaking in generalities. When I have to say "can you put your son/daughter on the phone" the parents get all huffy and the kids have no idea what to do.

What are these kids going to do if mom or dad suddenly drops dead? They will be lost in a world that will not cater to them.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

With the above being said, the parents make their kids this way.

My favorite reactions are when I tell parents I cannot give them their student's grades. The parents get pissed and ask me, "Well, how am I suppose to find out what his/her grades are?" My response is, "Ask them."

ctnmom's picture

Both my older ones got scholarships. They proudly tell me thier grades. Crazie, I believe what you're describing is "helicopter parents". They're crippling thier kids.

Elizabeth's picture

I got a bank account at age 14, and I did it on my own and I didn't have to have mommy or daddy put their names on it. I filled out my own paperwork at all my jobs and would never have dreamed of asking mommy or daddy to help me out. I filled out my own student aid forms, using information provided by my parents. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. SD is 19 and this is the longest she's ever held a job (she's at seven months now). We're about to move a state away. She HAS to get responsible eventually!

Doubletakex3's picture

My exH was like this withis is daugther (my first SD). It came out in a counseling session that he WANTED her to be dependent on him because it made him feel needed. Barf.

imthewife's picture

SD is being manipulative. She know exactly how to do all that. This is nothing but a ploy to make sure "daddy" will still be her "big hero"...barf.