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Does it bug anybody else when...

Elizabeth's picture

Your DH is texting his child (in this case SD21) like a boyfriend/girlfriend?

I was driving our family back from the lake this weekend, DH is in the front seat texting back and forth with SD21. But it's not like send her a text to tell her something, it's like send a text, quickly turn the phone face down so nobody can see, but leave it on and check every 5 seconds for her response. Then, the second she responds, text something back to her, quickly turn he phone face down, etc.

I know it's petty, but it annoyed me. My texts, it takes him hours to respond, if at all. SD21, he's texting back and forth with her.

Comments's picture

YES!!!!! FDH and I just got into a fight about this last week, SD17 was out of town and between the "secret" phone calls (only talks when I'm not around) and the texting 24/7 literally his phone was going off at 7:30 am on the weekend till 11:30pm on weeknights every day and night. I'm a bit homaonal right now and I just lost and told him straight up he's acting like he's having an affair with her. The constant texting, private phone calls, baby talk etc.

F'n ridiculous. He also hides his text msgs- quickly puts his phone down, blacks the screen out and I KNOW he deletes some msgs- he's done it before.


Hanny's picture

Well, my SO doesn't put his phone face down, but he does text his kids quite often, then keeps checking to see if they are texting back. It used to bother me, but it doesn't any more. Let him text them, I really don't care, I just ignore it. It's kinda funny actually, because if I send a text or get one, he immediately asks me who it is from (and it's usually my daughter), I tell him, but I never ask him anymore. Maybe you should try it, just ignore it, and when you get a text, read it, laugh, text back, then turn your phone face down so he can't see it. See if it bothers him.

Elizabeth's picture

I usually ignore it, but in the close confines of the car on a 3.5-hour drive, it got a little annoying and over the top after a while.

thinkthrice's picture

When they were still coming to entitlement training sessions, I mean "visitation" when Chef got angry with me, he'd nuzzle and cuddle his "angels." Talk about emotional incest!!

It's bad enough when these skids try their manipulation shit with "daddy's lil punkin" but then when the biodads actually ENJOY the attention; that is disgusting!

Shaman29's picture

H was doing that before he moved out of state for his new job. I constantly asked if he was able to reach his little girlfriend. He would look at his phone over and over while we were in the middle of a conversation and I would ask if our conversation was interrupting anything. He would say no, then check his phone again.

At that point, I would just walk away.

After he moved and we started our long distance counseling, this was discussed with the counselor. He got on me about picking on his kid. I asked, when was I picking on his kid? He came back with "You were asking me about my girlfriend." I said, that wasn't anything against the skid. It was about the fact you checked your phone so much, it was as though you were having an affair and waiting to find out when you could dump me so you could meet up with her.

That completely silenced the room.