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I am so THANKFUL!!!!

dreamingofhappiness's picture

I am so grateful I have a SIL in law that is one of my best friends. I am so Glad I have her to lean on, vent face to face with, cry with, and some one who TOTALLY understands what I am going through because she has seen it all unfold....



dreamingofhappiness's picture

I have a Twin Sister that is dead to me. My mother passed away this past June... Not a good thing. Anyway, my husband and I stayed with my father for 5 days after her passing. My older sister adn my brothers wife asked me to handle a few things around my dads house so they would not be "stolen"... so I did just that.

The day we put my momma in the ground, my twin sister was caught red handed stealing moms stuff... Throwing things out the bathroon window, and out the front door. At this point my hubby and I were on our way home wich is 2 1/2 hours away. She had the nerve to accuse me of stealing from my dad...

All that was the final straw of a life long of misery I have had with my Twin.... Not a good relationship.

I was greatful to be able to finally get to know and let her get to know me. I was the outsider at first because she was best friends with another sister in law... (who is now an ex SIL)... She has and is a great in law and great friend...