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Another Day, more stress...

dreamingofhappiness's picture

Okay, I guess I need to vent.

I am so tired of this ex bm thinking she is god and above the law. How dare you think for one second that you can hold visitations of the children from BF... There is a schedule for a reason. That does not mean that you can allow any of the children to skip visitations for any reason. IT IS A FREAKING COURT ORDER BITCH!

I am so tired of you thinking that you are the superior person in any thing when it comes to those children and the courts set schedule. You have already been told once by the COPS that you are not allowed to disobey a court order!

Oh, that is right, you think I am the one that is wrong, you think I am the one that is righteous... NO BITCH, I read the paperwork fron to back and inside out. CHILD SUPPORT DOES NOT HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO MAKE A COURT JUDGEMENT! ONLY a judge can do that!

I am so tired of dealing with your hypocritical bull shit. I am so tired of you thinking you can control my life and my house hold. YOU ARE nothing. You refuse to work, Until a judge tells you to! at least I have a medical reason for my lack of income... What mother in their right mind would allow a child to miss school when that child has a F in Schience and a D- in Math!... Really!!!! Get a freaking clue low-life.

I was a lways told to pick and choose my battles... You are definately not worth a breath of mine... I am so tired of you thinking we live high on the hog... you have no freaking clue what our situations is...

So get off you lazy fucking ass and find a fucking job... hey, I know... Go to McDonalds, that is what the bitch at CSEA told him to do... Whats good for the goose is definately good for the gander.

I have one more question for you. If you hated your ex husband so much, tell me why the hell you married some dick-head that looks just like him.... You are the psychotic one...