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Really? Everyweek end?

dragonfly5's picture

"Crazo" is at it again. She wants FDH to have the kids Friday-Monday every week. We live in FL where there is no joint custody. So we have them every other weekend and every Wednesday.

Is she out of her mind? Really. I would go crazy if I had them every weekend. I enjoy adult time.

I have a demanding job that I love, but when the weekends come I am ready to play!

We told crazo we could take them on weekdays too, if she wanted but not every weekend. She said NO only the weekends!

She hates the fact that we have fun and go and do on the weekends. She married a man who is 15yrs older than her an is overweight and in poor health. He spends his weekend on the couch.

Guess what crazo, this is not my problem nor is it going to be!!!

Why do these women think they can just dictate and everyone is going to jump?


overit2's picture

HAHAHAHA....I wonder what would happen if BM suggested that craziness to the bf....AND what would happen to her if she suggested that after we married. YEAH RIGHT>>>>> I'd laugh in her face and would tell her to get her head examined.

newmom01's picture

Listen very carefully! I did not have my babies for this reason. I had them because we wanted them and I am in my late thirties (it was time !!!) Anyway I was going to say when you pop out a few babies of your own, your DH will be so tired because of 24/7 parenting at home, he will not agree to all that EXTRA time and meetings, and all the games....Now dont get me wrong he is thier dad and he should go sometime, but BM was making him attend EVERYTHING just like they were still married, and if he didnt she would lay a guilt trip on him. But since I had our boys they go home every sunday at 5 or 6pm none of that late night 10 or 11 pm drop off stuff or that "Well, they are already there, so just keep them and drop them off at school monday" DH says no! My man is just too tired! And on top of that he just accepted a new position at work and the new hours will not allow him to do all that EXTRA stuff! That's what she gets for telling me at one time that HER kids were first and will always be first and more important to DH....Yeah right! look who just got dropped off at 5pm on a sunday so my man and our kids can go have fun!

dragonfly5's picture

My FDH already tells her No. He told her no, before he even talked to me about it. Because he has told her no several times before when she wants to play games.

I am blessed FDH has no problem standing up to her.
I and Us always come first. He doesn't make our relationship second. He has told me I am his present and his future. He loves his kids and wants to be with them but not on her terms.

As for more children. I think not! My daughter is 29. His kids are 11 and 14.
No kids for us...and we are both happy with that fact.

I am glad things have worked out for you too!

I will not be second!

BSgoinon's picture

If she wants him to have more time with the kids then she can split the week, not just get rid of them on the weekends. That is just lazy parenting.

mama_althea's picture

My SO got duped into the every weekend thing. So now his guilty daddy thing causes him to feel obligated to rarely take a weekend off. He and I both also have demanding M-F jobs, so the weekends truly are our only chance for quality time. We have had exactly one weekend alone together in 2 years, other than that I just get scraps of his time here and there. And yes, our relationship is suffering badly.

Please don't let him go into Guilty Daddy Mode and fall for this. Of course you will need to be careful to frame the conversation in a context that is not about the skids personally.

dragonfly5's picture

Thanks for the reply, I am blessed that he sees right through her crap. I don't have a need to say anything.

He loves the kids and wants to be with them. He has a good relationship with them and they are secure in that. So he doesn't have guilty daddy.

It just amazes me that she keep trying the same thing over and over. Some how she thinks that it will have a different result.

Isn't that the definition of crazy?

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

There is no joint custody in Florida? I live in Florida, and my DH is going to trial in November to try to get full custody. I am so nervous about what will happen.

dragonfly5's picture

No joint custody. There is a custodial parent, and a non custodial parent. Basically the Custodial parent holds the cards.

My FDH doesn't let crazo bully or dictate craziness to him. So he takes the min and askes for more time when we want it.

He just had them for his half of the summer.

Good luck. The courts here take forever. FDH just got his court date from crazo's christmas stunt.

Willow2010's picture

DH should tell her, that he can take them every other week... Monday thru Sunday and stop CS. She just wants a baby sitter and keep the $$$

dragonfly5's picture

Just wants the money and a baby sitter! You are so right!

He told crazo he would still pay her the child support last year if he could have custody the kids. She agreed to it. When her family found out they made her feel bad so she backed out.

BettyWinchester's picture

Actually there is joint custody in Florida(unless something changed in the last ten years). My husband has joint legal/shared custody with his ex. It was finalized back in 03.

dragonfly5's picture

Maybe they have it now. Wow wouldn't that be great.
FDH was divorced in 2001.

His paperwork only talks about custodial and non custodial parent.

I knew they went to shared custody agreements, but I didn't know that they had joint custody agreements now.

That great because non custodial rights suck.