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Flat Tire Yields Unexpected Fruit

Drac0's picture

DW bought SS a PSP a couple of years ago. I told DW that I thought it was a bad idea. Its expensive and I just knew SS would lose it. DW wanted to get it because SS really, really wanted one. About 6 months after she bought it for him SS loses it. It’s been missing ever since. DW and SS have searched high and low for it and have come up with bupkis.

Flash forward to today. This morning in fact.

I leave the house to hop in my car to go to work when I notice I have a flat. I go back inside to tell DW that I have a flat and it will take me a few minutes to change it with the spare. DW asks me if I need any help and I replied that it would help me a lot if she could go to the garage to get the tire fixed (once I take it out) since I am already late for work and there are no garages close by.

DW comes out to have a look and proceeds to help me. While I am jacking up the car, DW lifts the trunk base board to access my spare tire. While she is undoing the key nut I hear her say.

“Hey what’s this?”

Next to the spare tire is an oval shaped case. DW pulls it out and opens it.

Sure enough, it’s the PSP.

“Why is SS’s PSP next to your spare tire?” DW asks.

I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is that SS had it in one of the exterior pockets of his school bag and shoved it the trunk one evening when I went to pick him up from his Dad’s. The PSP must have slipped out of his bag and somehow manage to find its way under the trunk base board into the spare tire well.


Drac0's picture

You're right! I hid it there along with my stash of porn mags, handcuffs, choke pears and my gravedigger shovel. Thank you for clarifying. So hard to remember where I put my sh*t these days.

BSgoinon's picture

I googled choke pears. I am frightened that you knew what that was.

Wondering what you have hiding in your basement now... wait, please don't actually tell me. I want to be able to sleep tonight.

"It Puts the Lotion on the skin".

Drac0's picture

>Wondering what you have hiding in your basement now... wait, please don't actually tell me. I want to be able to sleep tonight. <

Just some bottles of Chianti. It goes good with liver.

I do wish we could chat some more, but I am having an old friend over for dinner. }:)