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dolphingirl's picture

:sick: My stepson is 14 years old, and moved in with us last Christmas. He doesn't think he should do what "mom/stepmom" tells him to do. His mom asked him to do things but he will turn and say no and walk off. Well I am not that way.

I have tried being nice, ignoring him, and raising my voice to get my point across. We made chorse and guidelines. He tells me we are not following them at all.

He has been over sleeping in the mornings so dad and I decided to give him a choice either get up with dad at 5am or go to bed at 830p watch tv until 9 and tv off at 9. Dad was gone and he choose to go to bed at 830p so he didn't have to deal with me.

He then says he is not going to do anything I tell him he is going to teach me a lesson and he is done trying to be nice to me.

I try to handle things. I told dad what was going on and he said he is going to throw the guidelines and chorse away and he better jump to what we tell him to do.


oneoffour's picture

Yeah take the TV away and take the door off his room.
If he thinks he calls the shots let him.
But in my world NO ONE has a TV in their room before High School granduation.

Stop doing his laundry. Stop picking up after him. Put any of his crap in a big black bag and lock it in the trunk of your car.
His meals are not by request. No treats like chips or candy or icecream.

See, you can be just as unfriendly back at his little self entitiled butt.

dolphingirl's picture

Well my husband is going to talk to him here in a little bit. I am trying to talk him into taking everything tv, (he has not cable anyway just to watch movies) ipod, cell phone, radio, video games and a good grounding. I want him to get a good wake up call. Not to mention sad that a 14 year old is getting sent to bed at 830p. }:)