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Just more BS...

Delphi's picture

So SD today apparently had a melt-down in school. It's Friday, and she had some kind of "drama" at school over having to come here for the weekend again. So she went to see the school counselor. I was in a good mood today - called DH after work as I normally do to chat on my ride home and he sounds all quiet - I say "what's wrong?" He tells me he's "sad." I say "why?" And then he tells me. SD is going through her "I'm bored when I come here" sh*t yet again. What?

I'm sorry - so like the apple picking we did the other weekend wasn't enough? The party we took you too last weekend wasn't enough? The Halloween decorating we did together wasn't enough? When we took you out for ice-cream sundaes last weekend that wasn't enough? When we took you to the festival with your friends for an all-day adventure with your friends - that wasn't enough? I mean - what the hell? Plus every Friday DH takes her out for dinner and an evening with her friends - just him and her.

And she's..."bored."


I was ready to scream.

I mean are you fricken kidding me? Do we not have weekends revolve around her already!?!?!?

She's 13!!!

I know why she had the "breakdown."

She has 2 parties she wants to go to this weekend. My husband would need have picked her up a 9 PM tonight if she went to the one tonight. That means driving home from work in traffic for 1.5 hours, then sit at home for an hour, turn around and drive an hour north to pick her up and another hour back to bring her home. Fine. He was willing to do that. BUT! She has ANOTHER party to go to tomorrow. From 6-10 PM. So what does that mean? It means Saturday, DH has to drive an hour North to take her to this party, and since it's a waste to drive home again, he needs to hang out there until 10 and then turn around and take her home.

So he told her - you can choose - 1 party. I can't drive you everywhere all weekend. She got moody over it. But he told her this 2 weeks ago. I think today it *hit* her so she had her pity party.

Anyway, when with the counselor, I guess the counselor told her she should look into changing her custody to coming here every other weekend (I wish) - but she told DH "I don't want to do that. That's running away from my problems and I don't want to run away from my problems."

I told DH - so what the hell are her "problems" then? And what's the "solution? " He just looked at me puzzled and tired - like, he doesn't know what to do.

I HATE how manipulated he is. Of course now we'll have to kiss her a** all weekend - or at least, she expects that.

This kid is so indulged!

Ugh. Frustrated. Excuse my French - just really really pissed off right now.

Thank G*d I have my therapist appt. tomorrow to vent! }:)


Delphi's picture

Seriously - my DH was fuming when he heard about that piece of advice! I mean who says that to a child anyway? Custody terms are decided between the parents - not the kids! Anyway, he can't seem to reach this school "counselor" as they won't return his phone calls - but he should just go there in person if he can't reach the person.

Wah-wah-11's picture

wth??? I think I would go to the school board over that..unless there is more to the story and Sd isn't telling it all

Delphi's picture

We'll find out soon enough when he gets in touch with her - I told him to find out everything the counselor says!

Delphi's picture

Biggrin LOL! Genius!!! Biggrin Seriously - I need to start *documenting* all the fun times to build a case!