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What would your reaction be? What’s for dinner?!!

Deliverance's picture


You got up early in the morning to go to work and you return home after being gone for over 12 hours. It’s Friday and I pop open a beer. My H is sitting next to me and has a beer with me. The damm SS who is 30 f... years old comes home from work and opens a beer.

after asking his Dad how was his day at work, that’s fffff SS has the nerve to ask “what’s for dinner tonight “? 


Steam and heat heat was coming out the top of my head. All kinds of words were swirling in my mind!*bomb*


what would your reaction be like????


Merry's picture

From the time I was about 12, whenever I asked my Mom what was for dinner, she would say "whatever you are making."

Seriously respond as if he IS a functioning adult and see what happens. Have another beer and enjoy the show.

Deliverance's picture

I’m going to have another beer and he can starve. SS don’t pay rent anyway!

Winterglow's picture

Why don't you actually SAY what you want to rather than keeping it all in? Stop being Ms Nice Guy. Say it loud and clear. The longer you bottle stuff up the more they'll take advantage of you because they don't KNOW they're doing anything wrong (whether or not they know is neighter here nor there it's just what they're going to say...). 

You want your home back? Then do something about it! Fuming in silence isn't enough (and it'll give you an ulcer to boot Smile ).