BM denying visitation again- against CO
SO got an e-mail Monday morning saying... "
The floating day this week isn't gonna be necessary. As stated in court document 2. Letter c. - plaintiff shall be entitled to parenting time every Thursday and one additional floating weekday on either Mon Tues or Wed, such to be determined by MUTUAL AGREEMENT of the parties. The parties shall make best effort to schedule such days IN ACCORDANCE WITH EACH PARTY'S SCHEDULING NEEDS AND PREFERENCES.
So there for if I'm not working a late shift Mon Tues or Wed. Its not necessary for u to take her. So this week... you don't have SD till your scheduled visitation Thursday - Sunday at 6:00-6:15
She also sent this to her attorney and I am anxious to see what he had to say about that. This is what he sent in return.
As you are aware that if the court order is not followed that this is grounds for contempt of court and will be added to the list of other violations of the court order to be addressed in a contempt of court hearing. I do not understand why things can go just fine with visitation and then about every 4-6 weeks you have a change of heart where you are denying visitation and trying to come between my relationships with SD3. Why are you so set on destroying and denying me visitation to my daughter. This does not look very good on your part when we go back to court. This is only showing the judge that you are not putting the interests of SD3 first. You are using YOUR best interest for SD3 best interest and that is not good parenting on your part. This is clearly written in the court order and I do believe that you are misinterpreting or trying to twist the words around. It states that I get THURSDAY and ANOTHER OVERNIGHT which will either be MONDAY TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY. I have also told you that since Wednesday has been the previous set date for the floating day that I have adjusted my work schedule around to where I get off earlier on Wednesdays and work later on Monday and Tuesday. Since your schedule is easily adjustable and your job schedule is not set in stone every day and every month adjustments need to be made. There has never been a problem in the past with this working out I am not sure what the new issue is. We are to work together to decide on a day in addition to Thursday that works, that is all that means. The order does not state, If BM does not work late then SD3 stays with her. There is nothing that says anything about such.
Another issue I would like to address with you is your continuing to violate the existing court order .I have sent you a current copy of the Our STATES Parenting time guidelines and you continue to violate them as well. Those dates have been documented and will be added to the list of contempt charges as well. I have given you multiple opportunities to work with me regarding making up the missed time when you called the cops and had SD3 taken away from me. You are the reason that when our daughter See's a cop car that she cries. She thinks that cops come and take little girls from their dad. This is not something I have caused. This was by your own doing. Also when you filed false protection order and lied in your affidavit in regards to the incident that occurred. You lied and said that I was arrested that day for the incident which was not true, you also lied in your affidavit in response to the summons and complaints saying you forgave child support to get me out of jail of an amount of almost 4500. That is a lie and you know it. Along with other lies that will be addressed in the contempt of court charges. The judge is not going to look highly on your continuation to deny me visitation and your unwillingness to work toward the best interest of SD3.
I am hoping that you do not deny me visitation because if you do then I will have no alternative but to get the police involved which is the last thing SD3 needs at this time. She is finally getting back to herself since the denying of visitation done on your own part. If you are going to continue to do this then I will have no other option but to ask the courts to take into consideration your unwillingness and your actions into consideration and ask for a change in the order and ask for full custody until you show you’re putting SD3 best interests first. It is not what is best for you; it's what is best and most stable for her.
His attorney was also notified and I guess her attorney got a copy of this because he simply sent reply to all. We have not heard anything from anyone since we sent e-mails on Monday morning.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this situation?
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yup exactly. no more
yup exactly. no more responses. He said what he would do if she denied it again. Time to walk the walk and forget the talky talk.