worthless bm
i just dont' understand this woman. she gets paid cs yet she cannot support her children. she makes the exact same as DH but he pays her support so her has additional money. her unfortunate dh makes good money, yet her children go without.
Dh took ss15 shoe shopping because his prior pair was 2 sizes too small for the kid. we purchased a pair of size 14 shoes!!! the prior pair was a 12 mesh shoe - he had blown out the sides so you could see his socks. bm's solution to this was to buy him black socks so you couldnt' tell his toes were showing out the side.....awesome bm.
when ss15 got home bm apparently yelled at him because she didnt' know he needed shoes and she would have taken him - yep ok. he didnt tell us he needed shoes - we pretty much figured it out on our own when we saw his toes through the side....come on BM!
she has ss17 on anxiety pills. he's scared about college, he's scared about having to sign up for the draft, he's scared about being on his own - he doesn't need pills, he needs someone to listen and talk to him.
as much as i dont want them to live full time with us, i think it'd be better if they do. ugh - as much as i dispise having to deal with them daily, my conscience is telling me to put myself aside.....hopefully DH would grow balls when it comes to this bitch and take her back for full custody and let that bitch pay us, or at least just drop it all together!
- dakotamom's blog
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