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And just like that she's back in DH's life...

Daisymazy2's picture

SD, age 17,  refused to speak to DH for over a month and a half due to  the little episode where she tried to jump out of a moving car that he was driving and he had to call the police.  She was admitted back into the mental ward again for about 10 days or so.  She has been out for a while but refused to speak to DH.She did demand that he bring her cellphone and of course, he did.   Based on DH's mood for the past month and a half, you would think she was gone for YEARS.   Saturday he started acting all happy and giddy again.  He said she reached out to him.  I am almost certain he reached out to her to apologize to her.  We all know how these things really work.  

He is also so happy that SD told him that she is going to a local  all female college.  Well, I didn't have the heart to bust his bubble but I  doubt she will get in.  This college cost $34,000 a year with room and board less $12,000 if she doesn't get room and board. Sd thinks she will get scholarships and grants to pay for all of it.   The college is about 25 miles from BM's house and SD doesn't have a car.  SD says she is going to live on campus.   Dh thinks that will it being and all girls school, SD would be less distracted.  Apparently, he has forgotten that SD is bisexual.  

SD has been suspended so many times from middle school and high school, this school is more than likely NOT going to accept her.  They have a higher standard than just a community college.  She will also have to score high on her SAT.  BM may have some pull to get her into the college but we will see.   SD can't make it one semester in school without getting suspended.  She isn't going to make it in a college environment.  

The degree that she wants to pursue is nothing more than a underwater basketing weaving class and is totally useless.


ndc's picture

Does your DH have any court ordered obligation to pay for college? If not, will he/can he pay anyway?  Is it possible the SD is back simply because she needs something from her father?

thinkthrice's picture

LOL.   Mrs. Headlight's daughter is taking one of those "degrees."  Basically all tuition has been flushed and since the only experience "Rachel" has is working in a local seasonal ice cream shop, she'll be asking "one scoop or two?"