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OMG you are right!!!

daisy0202's picture

DH told me he took her phone away but then 11pm she got a goodbye text from friend...How could she get a text if she didnt have her phone....OMG!!!!! I didnt even see that


Helena.Handbasket's picture

then that was a very good catch smdh.

i still say its all a manipulation.

smdh's picture

I got your back. I really want him to see the light and to change for you, Daisy. I really do. And he might, but he hasn't yet. He is desperate to get you back and unfortunatley, he is telling you what you want to hear, but he is also still trying to placate SD. He can't please you both on this issue.

And Miss Bits noticed the phone thing first. I just questioned it further. She should get the credit!

3familiesIn1's picture

Baby steps Daisy. He can't change overnight - he has enabled this situation and grown with it for years.

He is wrong. He screwed up - absolutely.

Call him on it - calmly. Take your time in making any future moves, stick it out until things have really changed and are solidified.

daisy0202's picture

It is but he told me she woke him up at 11pm because she got a text but at 8 he told me he took her phone away for 1 month....HELLOOOO...I cant believe I didnt see that....FUCK!!!!!

knucklehead's picture

Argh. Dontcha just love it when someone tells you what they think you want to hear?!?

I'd call him on it. Let him know you're on to him.

Shithead. Smile

Charly's picture

I would have a serious issue with a couple of the possible scenarios here...

1) He told you he took her phone away, but really didn't. He's just telling you what you want to hear, and he's not really trying to change and start holding SD accountable for her actions.

2) He had her phone and woke her up at 11pm to show her a text from a suicidal friend. That's just wrong on so many levels. Why would he do that??

3) They were sleeping in the same room/bed/area, and she had access to her "taken away" phone, so she woke up Daddy to show him.
(I hope to God this is not an accurate scenario)

Regardless, there are serious issues with each one of these possible scenarios..

ThatGirl's picture

Daisy, have you met SD's friend's parents? Call to check on her and ask if there is anything you can do. I think SD made the story up, but that's just me.

daisy0202's picture


I am so beside myself right now.....I have not heard from him today at all so who knows maybe he is thinking a way to tell me we can not meet tonight. I will be BULLSHIT if that happens. I have planned for a romantic dinner (his favorite) Leaving work early to doll up and prepare dinner. My mother is taking BS14 for the night. I will be soooo pissed if this doesnt pan out because of SD's bullshit!!!!!

smdh's picture

I would be too. If he can't keep his plans now, one week in to all of this, it doesn't bode well going forward.

asheeha's picture

honestly daisy, i would not do ANYTHING for him during this time. this is when he needs to pull out all the stops for you! he needs to be in charge and take a proactive approach to how to woo you back.

but maybe i'm old fashioned that way

daisy0202's picture

and to boot I am making homemade chicken con-de-bleu, double stuffed potatoes, sauted broccli, and a salad. For dessert apple cobbler...The cobbler I made last night and will warm. All HOMEMADE....He doesnt come FUCK HIM!!!!! Oh and will be wearing my little sexy black dress that he loves on me...Hair up....Yahhhh he better show. I am leaving work at 2 but going to call him before I start dinner in case something has changed. Actually I am calling now....Give me a min....I'll be back

daisy0202's picture

I know i should but I can't i love him, I want to see him, I want him to stay over tonight...I want this to work. I just called him we are still on for tonight. i didnt get into the phone thing but tonight after dinner I will mention it like..."Hey if she didnt have her phone how did she get a text from friend about killing herself" lets see what he says....I am finishing up here and out of here....Wish me luck....If it ends up in a brawl i will be on tonight. If not I will update tomorrow.....Thanks everyone for your support and help....Love i found this place....It always helps!!!! Wink

simifan's picture

Why are you doing all this for him, he owes you. He should be taking you out to dinner, by going overboard like this you give him the impression everything is going well so he doesn't have to do much.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Miss Bits, I have been reading your comments & I like your honesty about how you were like this SD when you were younger. I have a SS that thank goodness lives with his mom full time, we get the skids every other weekend or so. My SS10 acts like a mini spouse to my DH. No joke. My DH is trying to work on the issue. He is very manipulative & seems to think him & I are in some weird competition per se. He hangs onto his dad everywhere we go, he throws temper tantrums when he doesnt get his way, he blatently disrespects me, gives me the hate glares & flat out tells me he hates me!!
Can you give me any perspective on why he does this & what I & DH can do to get things back on track? I like hearing your perspective, and think it might help me to better understand & cope.

Daisy- I hope & pray for you!! I hope you & your DH can work things out, you both seem to truly love each other!!!

I truly dont understand how these Dads let it get so bad!!