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Carte Blanche

cyberwoman's picture

I now believe that both SS and BM have full Carte Blanche with my DH. There is NOTHING either could do that would wake DH up and get him back to reality. 22yo SS is a loser who was found this morning breaking into and sleeping in our garden shed. BM sent her demon spawn to live with us at the age of 17, never paid child support but had the unbelievable gull to claim him as a dependent on her tax return. The only way I was able to stop that is that she lives in another state and the school system would not have allowed SS to attend high school as a resident would his mother claimed him as a depended in another state.

Meanwhile DH is living in denial. He thinks SS is "just going through a phase" - yeah since he was born- and BM is a good mother. BM had physical custody of SS from age 7-17. Moved to another state, left child to live with an uncle while she moved in with a BF when SS was 12. Oh yeah she is a real winner herself, onto her 3rd husband now but she can do no wrong in DH eyes.

Maybe they should get back with each other and raise their winner son together who doesn't have a job, is on the verge of academic disciplie and will not flush the toilet at age 22. Disgusting to have to share living quarters with someone like this. Even my cats cover their excrement.


cyberwoman's picture

Yes, that thought crossed my mind as well. I think he just knows that he can do no wrong in Daddy's eyes. Unfortunately he is right.