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Question About Christmas Gifts

CrystalRE's picture

I was wondering if anyone else hates buying Christmas gifts for their SK's. DH and I had a fight becasue he couldnt' give two s*its what I get for any of the kids for Christmas EXCEPT for his oldest child (11). He wants to get her a laptop and has been harrassing me about ordering it several times a day for a week now. I dont want to get if for her because, out of all of the kids, she is the most ungreatful brat! She's lazy, rude and just plain snotty.

I didnt, nor do I plan on getting either of the other kids anything that expensive and that doesnt bother him a bit. He doesnt think its unfair at all to get her something like that while the other kids get less expensive gifts. Even my BD who is 4 years older than his doesnt have a laptop of her own yet.

What do you guys think?


SillyGilly's picture

Without knowing the living arrangments or financial arrangments it is hard to say... But in general that doens't sound very fair...... My DH wanted to buy SD11 a laptop because it is on her list and he loves electronics of any kind. I had to remind him that she asks for a computer every year, she has my old laptop so really she already HAS one and it works fine, she is just starting to have school related projects that require a computer and right now they are still far and few between so I have a hard time justifying a new computer for her ot play Webkinz or whatever it is she does!?!?!

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Do y'all live together? All kids in same house visitations on the same schedule? Could dd and sd maybe SHARE a laptop if they are on rotating visitations?

mystiery's picture

I have no bios, but we do buy equally for the skids. Each present may not cost the same however, we set a limit and we spend that much on each child. And at 11 there is NO way I would be getting any of the skids a laptop. Your husband is going to get a big dose of reality one day when the other kids realize that he is favoring her and he is not going to like but will have it coming to him. Me personally I would hold my ground and not get it.

Shaman29's picture

I disengaged nearly two years ago and haven't spent a dime of my own money on DH's kid since. She is an ungrateful brat whose lips can barely form the words please and thank you. On occasion I will buy dinner for the three of us when I know DH is running short. Otherwise, not my kid, not my problem.

We keep our finances completely separate. I don't care what he spends on or buys for his child, as long as he meets his household obligations. He can buy her a fricking pony for all I care, as long as it goes home with her and lives with Uberskank. :evil:

Happily Stressed's picture

In that situation Id sit down with him and come up with a certain amount to be spent on every kid, so if its 200.00 for each kid nothing over 200.00 is spent on anyone else. its really not fair to the other kids and will just set up a hole lot of emotional drama for them if someone gets a significantly better gift.

you need to let him know it may not bother him, but if he actually thinks about everyone else's feelings, hes gonna notice it does bother them, and is indeed unfair from there stand point. but then again men are stubborn and are like talking to a wall. lol I would be super annoyed in that situation too.

I already made a post in a forum about christmas shopping, the only annoying thing for me is the fact that there is way to much toys already and that his BM buys him everything, so it makes getting him anything difficult when trying to get him something he doesn't already have. the hole spoiling factor drives me crazy. she needs to stop buying all the high priced toys on normal days and save that for the holidays, seriously. lol

CrystalRE's picture

Thanks for the advice, everyone. FYI...we have my daughter (15) fulltime..she chooses to only sees her Dad on holidays and we have his two girls 60% of the time. His youngest is a pretty good kid for the most part but his oldest in the definition of BRAT! Just as an example...I asked her to do the dishes the other night and she said "she doesnt know how". At over 11 years old Im not taking that for an excuse! Especially because when she wants attention from Dad she tells him that BM makes her do all the housework!