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So, after the last blowout

Crizzle's picture

nothing else has been said. DH acts as if it never happened. What the hell is it with men? DH is mostly good to me as a husband. But when it comes to all this crap with his precious princesses he can get ugly. I don't know what it is that makes him think it's okay to speak to them so gently, in regards to disciplining, and speak to ours with authority and sternness. Skids are 14 and 11, hardly old enough for adult conversation and definitely young enough to need some firm scolding from time to time. Our daughter and son are 7 & 4. You have to be stern with them AND the other two. Skids aren't any more special. I have pointed this out to him and he said he didn't realize he was treating them differently and said he wouldn't do that anymore, but you know what happened? He didn't start treating skids any differently. Instead, he backed off the our little ones (for now). He always reverts. Helloooo? Dumbass! You have to be stern with all children when they need it. You don't just drop off the radar all the way around. Am I missing something?

Anyway, back to the whole acting like nothing happened. It was a bad fight and I was ready to walk out the door. Nothing was resolved because my sister showed up and we had to squelch the whole conversation. Now he acts like it never happened? I don't want another fight, but I can't just move on from it like that. I can't just bounce back. I mean, for heavens sakes, he told me that I need "help" because I refuse to take care of his children for him any more! How insulting is that? I told him he needed to take some parenting classes. Aaarrrggghhh. Men!


AnnieMom925's picture

My DH is exactly the same way with his BS. He very rarely diciplines him because he feels guilty. But he has no problem or guilt diciplining our BS. I have brought this to his attention and he, like your DH, said he didnt realize he was doing this. Sooo just like your DH he just stopped dicipling all together. Now im the bad guy because im the one dishing out punishments. Ofcourse, DH will always tell me he thinks im being too hard on my SS. Never anything to say about dicipline with our other two kids. Im aaaarrrggghhhinnng with you Crizzle!

Crizzle's picture

why it is that he backed off them and didn't step it up with skids? Because he wasn't overdoing it with biokids. It was just unfair in that he was being stern (like he should) with biokids and not skids. Why is it he can't just be stern with them too, because that is what is needed. Equal sternness with all kids.

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins

schrob01's picture

where does the love go after all of these skirmishes? i feel like everytime we have a battle over the kids that we become more distant from eachother & I wonder where the love went. NO ONE in my house is speaking to eachother right now, except for me and DH. He came home after a week.

Crizzle's picture

I feel more and more distant from him evertime, but he doesn't seem that way toward me. To him, it's like nothing ever happened. But I can never forget it.

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins

Crizzle's picture

said a mouthful right there sister!

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins