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I told dh enough is enough

crackergirl's picture

I told him something has to change or our marriage is kaput. He didn't see an issue since he is just treating my son like I treat his kids. I went nuclear! I asked him to think about how ds treated him and how his kids treated me. I asked him why my son is suffering for their bad behavior. I think it made a difference because he seemed more intuned to bs this weekend. It was a good weekend overall.


Disneyfan's picture

Since he has made an effort with you son, will you make an effort with his kids?

If not, he will stop and you will be right back where you started.

crackergirl's picture

I am going to make an effort with his boys. A real effort. I am going to make a slight effort with his dd and see how she responds. She is the worst of them all.