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DP, you are so CUTE!

Cover1W's picture

DP texts me hello this morning at 10:00 am.
"Hi there! So girls are still in bed."

Um, yeah. Because SD9 has your iPad and SD11 has her computer.
They aren't sleeping in (which is what he thought).

He said again last night, "I need to get the control on the WiFi so it turns off at a reasonable hour." Because he can't possible TAKE AWAY the electronics from SDs at night.
This is about the 5th time I've heard this statement so I just nod and say, "Uh-huh."



WTF...REALLY's picture

You can out settings on a iPad to stop being able to go on WiFi. I think its called Smart time. Have him go on the apple site to find it.

Cover1W's picture

Oh, I know ALL the above!
But not my issue.
He knows how to do it too, but god forbid the SDs not have their electronics! Poor things.

I pointed out to DP that our neighbor had ALL THREE of her sons out doing yard work with her last night. Each had an age appropriate task (I was a bit in love with her). DP's response, "But those are boys."

WTF? So GIRLS can't do yardwork or sweat a little? Maybe I'll just start staying indoors with my decorative fan and a cup of tea saying, "Oh, hard work is for BOYS."
I pointed out his sexism to him and he said, "Yeah, but you are tough." Because I learned to do things DP! As a KID.
And Cover will now withdraw from doing other things around the house poste haste.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Men like that piss me off! I was mowing the lawn at 10. Big ass yard to. I have been a ranch hand, cut wood in winter for fire, all sorts of "boys" stuff. And for work I am a interior designer. Tell him to go back to the Court of Elizabeth where ha can be around all the falsehood bestowed upon women.

robin333's picture

Aww, he just doesn't want SDs' tiaras to fall off while doing yardwork. They might break a nail or see a worm. That would scar them for life.

How dare you suggest a life lesson? After all, they're girls, never need to grow up, be independent or think for themselves. Wtf?

Heregoesnothing's picture

OMG BM shaved her head last week and sent a picture to DH for SS to see. Vomit. Now I'm picturing it bedazzled, lololol. Thanks for the laugh!!