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BM is showing her true colors to the skids - - they FINALLY see the light

coping's picture

So BM doesn't have full custody b/c she is an idiot. She loves to bash me and DH CONSTANTLY. The kids finally see that what she says is NOT true about us and are questioning HER as to why she is doing this? Which is still our fault, by the way. But it's especially nice that SD14 sees her moms true colors. We don't and didn't ask the skids about their BM. We don't CARE. She can't keep her nose out of our business. It's just truly refreshing that they see FINALLY the nut she is and that we have been sane/balanced/truthful this whole time. Keep up the good work BM, the kids think YOU are the one with all the damn issues. (which has been true the whole time)


kathc's picture

I think we all hope that someday our skids will see how evil/bitchy/psycho/trashy their bm's are. Sadly, most won't ever realize it.

coping's picture

Validation is just nice. BM wants us to be the bad guy so badly, and all she has done has just back fired. Makes me giddy.

SugarSpice's picture

the karma train never misses. with my skids they were told lies and bm used child support money on herself and second husband she married after cheating on dh.

hangingbyathread6's picture

I'm hoping my SSs will see this one day! I keep holding out hope it will regard to both BM and give me hope! Smile