Skid Free Household This Week = HAPPINESS!!
Yes folks you read that title correctly - I'm skid free for the week!!! Jealous? I completely agree
SO is out of town this week for work & the skids are stuck with their BM! YAY!! Oh trust me, their was a glimmer of hope in SO's eyes when he informed me that he would be going away for work & had to arrange something for the boys. However, I immediately informed him that he would need to let his ex Hippo know she would need to care for Thing 1 & Thing 2 (Gasp! Care for her own children? Who would ever suggest such a thing?!!) the entire time he would be gone. There was no way in H*LL that I was going to be stuck getting both skids up and ready for school and driving them to their bustops (we live in a different school district then the one they attend)all the while lugging my 9 month old infant with us! My mornings would have looked like this: 5:50 am, get Thing 1 up and get him breakfast and out the door by 6:40 am, drive 30 minutes to his bustop, drive 30 minutes home and repeat with Thing 2! Then I would have to drive 30 minutes to pick up Thing 1 at 3 pm and wait 45 minutes for Thing 2's bus to come (because having an infant allows for so much free time!) Then drive everyone home and feed them, make sure they do their homework, check their homework, get them to bed and repeat 4 days this week. Yeah there was absolutely NO way that was happening! SO and I are not married, so I don't feel any real obligation with his children. Yes we live together and have the skids with us every week on alternating days, but I didn't give birth to these kids and I will be damned if I'm going to play the mother role for them, when they have their very own momma pig to take care of them! I don't get to discipline them or make any real decisions where they are concerned so they will absolutely not be allowed to take up any of my time/energy when SO is out of town. It's bad enough I have to put up with them every week! So my week has been AMAZING to say the least! Nothing but me, the baby, and the dog True, the baby slept a total of 3 hours last night, but even that can't bring me off of the no skid high!! The house is clean, there is food in the fridge, there are no brats upstairs screaming as they play xbox live, there is no arguing, no whining (except from my adorable little boy!), no being annoyed, no wanting to lock myself in the bedroom just to get away from them, no need for a bottle of wine or vodka (but a glass of wine or 2 a night never hurt),no need for a bra (lol),and no arguments with SO about his 2 less then perfect kids. Moreover, having SO gone this week has been great as well! It's so nice to have the house to myself and not have to put up with a 40 something year old man who acts like an infant most days! haha Everyone needs a break now and then. It's essential to your well being! So here is to my week of freedom! May it go slowly! Because come Friday the skids are here for the weekend and there isn't a bottle of liquor that is safe from me at this house!
- Coopers_Mommy's blog
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I love the GASP she has to
I love the GASP she has to care for her own children? thing because that's totally's the hardest thing in the world for her to be a parent any more than 50% of the time.
And your whole story sounds just like mine....the 7 month old baby...the running to a different bus stop to drop off/pick up...blech! Atleast BM set up SD6 to eat breakfast at school now so I don't have to worry about that part.
You are doing what is right in this situation. My mistake was being super super involved and taking over that role in the beginning so now it's proving difficult for me to step back and stand up and say "Not my kid, not my problem". *sigh*
In the beginning it was
In the beginning it was really hard for me not to get super involved as well with the skids. I found myself getting upset that I was expected to do pretty much everything with them and for them except for when it came time to discipline or any major decisions concerning them. I felt like I was (and still do sometimes)the unpaid nanny for someone elses kids. But then I realized that I don't wan't the responsibility for them. Do I love them? No. Do I care about them b/c they are SO's children? Yes, for the most part. And being a mother now I know that you don't love anyone the way you love your own children. SO loves all 3 of his boys the same and he should. But I'm really happy that I came into SO's life at the time that I did and not when the skids were babies. Because believe me, there is no way that I could have stuck around to care for someone elses babies and not wanted more control where they were concerend. I'm also really happy that our BS gets something that his stepbrothers do not - to live in a home with both his Mother and Father and gets more time with SO then the other children do. What can I say? I am very partial to my own child. He's my heart and soul! It's also the ideal situation because I put my baby boy's needs first above anyone else, which leaves little room for the skids to impose.
BM is a total waste of a mother and shouldn't even carry the title. She lives off of CS, refuses to work, claims to be a full time student (I didn't know the local bars were providing college credits!), and has eaten herself into a 250lb body! She hates me for being with SO even though they have been divorced for 7 years. She hates me for having a baby with SO b/c she didn't want anyone else to have his children. She hates me for the fact that I'm about 10 years younger then her and 140lbs lighter (she did afterall have 2 children - 11 & 16 years ago!!). And she hates me because she can no longer control SO - in the time we have been together he has finally grown some balls where she is concerned.LOL She's a waste!
Good luck with your situation!! And enjoy the time you are away from them
Sounds like fun! All you
Sounds like fun! All you need are some (up to date) lifetime movies
some ice cream, and some fresh toll house chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven along with a snuggie.....sounds like the good old days... Have fun and enjoy....I only get my ss's EOW so Im glad for that
Yes! Love Lifetime Movies!
Yes! Love Lifetime Movies! But I really enjoy the 90's ones
My BF is out of town too!! I
My BF is out of town too!! I have been enjoying the lovely free time. SD is at her BM's so its just me and the cats and dog. I have been really enjoying myself. BF should be back Friday and I am waiting for the relentless text messages from SD wanting to come early because she missed him. She is with us EOW so she should be used to not seeing him for a week.
Cheers to a skid free week
Cheers to a skid free week
Don't you just love those texts?! SS11 is the same way! Before we had a court order for 50/50 we only had the skids EOW & on the days that one of the skids would text Daddy or call Daddy to come over because they missed him soooo much! LOL More like, there was a new x-box game out that they wanted at Best Buy and Mommy Dearest isn't dropping a penny on either of those kids unless it's a total necessity. So then I'd be stuck with the brats for as long as they wanted to stay! Thank God my SO went to court and demanded a fair 50/50 split with his ex. And since they are not on speaking terms, neither one really strays from the order so no more unexpected and unwelcomed (by me) visits from the skids!
It sure is wonderful!!! I
It sure is wonderful!!! I know BF and BM used to let her come and go as she pleased. She was 10 when they split!!! I was like geez who is in control here???? He finally came to the conclusion that sticking to the CO is the only way to go!!! Hopefully he doesn't cave when the text messages start from SD